Dátum konania
24/07/2019 - 31/07/2019
Miesta konania
Sassari, Italy
Typ projektu:
feedback z tréningu tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/en/participants/how-was-our-first-intercontinental-training
Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:
Training was one of the activity of our project: “CUstomized SuPport to Youth Development of Active Leadership – CUSPYDAL”.
CUSPYDAL project aims to enhance social inclusion of disadvantaged young people (affected by unemployment, from rural or less developed areas); to contribute to their personal and professional development, enhance their soft and life skills, employability and entrepreneurship and to support their active participation in the local communities.
Objectives of the training course were:
- to foster youth workers and youth leaders competences in the development of the leadership potential of disadvantaged youth,
- to provide them with knowledge, skills, non-formal education methods how to promote social inclusion, and stimulate entrepreneurship and active citizenship of NEET in their communities,
- to test of non-formal educational models produced in the research results,
- to produce workshops and tools of NFE that will be tested during next youth exchange for young people from disadvantaged background.
Infopack, here – CUSPYDAL-Infopack-Sassari, preliminary agenda, here – CUSPYDAL Draft Agenda Sassari
Účastníci boli z Brazílie , Uruguaja , Kostariky , Talianska , Severného Macedónska a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny bolo po 4 účastníkov.