Less is (NOT) More

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Dátum konania
12/05/2023 - 19/05/2023

Miesta konania
Covilhã, Portugal

Typ projektu:

The Youth Exchange “Less is (NOT) More”, is a project organized by Histérico which has as main topics inclusion and diversity. The project is funded by the Erasmus + program and will be developed between the 12th to 19th of May 2023.
“Less is (NOT) More”, is an exchange between young people with the main objective to raise awareness among young people for a more generous society in terms of social inclusion issues. The subject of xenophobia has been something very worrying, especially because of the most recent migration issues.
Histérico, by creating this project, aims to project in young people a mentality of union and co-operation with different communities in Fundão, creating more inclusive communities.

Participants were from Portugal Portugal, Italy Italy, Poland Poland, Greece Greece, Estonia Estonia, and Slovakia Slovakia. There were 6 participants from each country.