Dátum konania
18/09/2017 - 25/09/2017
Miesta konania
Malaga, Spain
Typ projektu:
Zhrnutie o čom výmena bola:
The European Voluntary Service is one of the most interesting options for young people at the moment. It allows you to live during some months in other country, working for some association and improving your live in many different ways. It can help you to achieve more independence, to learn other languages, to improve some skills and learn others new etc. All that knowledge and experiences will help you in the future.
That’s why there are a lot of things to consider before starting this new challenge, but our experience has shown us that the volunteers don’t use to think about that items and just choose the project in a quite random way. That can make this wonderful experience seems worse than it is and the volunteers can’t enjoy all the process. Sometimes, they don’t find out what they were looking for, they have to do some works they wouldn’t like to do or they feel they are just losing their time. In order to change this situation and make the EVS better than it already is, six ex-volunteers, that have felt sometimes this way during their voluntary service, are going to tell their story. Instead of just assume it, they searched the reasons and discovered that there are different options to avoid this situation. Now they want to develop strategies to improve the way to choose the projects so every volunteer will enjoy 100% this experience that will change their lives.
During the youth exchange we passed through the process of an EVS, representing its steps in several activities; on the first days of the youth exchange we are going to work about the first process involved in a European voluntary service (How to search a good project that satisfy the individual expectations of each one, first days on the project, knowing the hosting place,..). In the half of the YE we discovered that things which have importance after the first months of EVS (How to solve problems, the concept of leadership, what is a personal project, …) and in the final days of the YE we will talk about the last moments of an EVS service (Youth pass, final evaluation, we spoke about life after EVS,…).
Our objectives:
- Go deeper in all the concept of volunteer and the importance of volunteerism in society building.
- Create a new tool that can help future volunteers to choose one EVS project at the same time that helps associations to improve their pre-departure process.
- Work about the skills, knowledge and attitude that will help future EVS volunteers in the service.
- Work in the process of problem solving and conflict management.
- Learn basics about project management.
- Develop participant’s social skills using non-formal education.
- Encourage intercultural learning.
- Develop the concept of personal leadership.
Na mládežníckej výmene boli účastníci z Fínska , Portugalska , Španielska , Českej republiky , Maďarska , Belgicko a Slovenska .
Účasť na projekte
If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:
Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.