Make It Work

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Dátum konania
25/08/2016 - 01/09/2016

Miesta konania
Ždiar, Vysoké Tatry

Typ projektu:

V dňoch 25 augusta – 1 septembra sme na Slovensku organizovali mládežnícku výmenu s názvom “MAKEITWORK” ktorej hlavnými témami boli nezamestnanosť a migrácia. Na výmene sa zúčastnilo 30 mladých ľudí zo Švédska, Talianska a Slovenska. Tu je feedback od niektorých samotných účastníkov:

“I loved the feeling like we knew each others even if it was my only part of the project, everybody was really friendly. The workshops were really well organized, I can see that there was a lot of work behind. I will always remember the hikind and wakeboarding” Gianluca, Italy

“This project was my first experience with ADEL. And I must to tell you, its not my last project. I am so glad that they choosed me, for this project I met so many amazing poeple and the countries which we were visiting were so beutiful. Also I lerned many things about ADEL and YE” Klaudia, Slovakia

“Its not only about exchanging your ideas and opinions on migration and youth unemployment: its about living together as a group, as a family. A youth exchange gives you the unique chance to discover, improve and manage properly your skills. It enables you to dream, to believe that everybody could contribute postitively in finding solutions to current events happening worldwide.” Giulia, Italy

“The best thing about this YE in Slovakia was that we actually focused on solutions how to fight unemployment by having workshops on writing CVs and cover letters, job interview simulation, workshop about programmes for young people in Europe and what opportunities they have was helpful and knowing about these opportunities could actually help young people to find their „true self“, gain some skills and thus increase their employability on labour market. Also workshops on migraton were very interesting. Hearing stories from real migrants who have had difficult lives makes it easier to realize that migrants are real people too, not just numbers…” Katka, Slovakia

“Youth exchanges always gives you some new experience. You always learn something new about the topic, other countries, culture and you always have fun. You get memories that will last for a lifetime” Emelinda, Sweden

“These YE were first in my life and I think it was my best decision of my life. I am finally on my way to find myself and maybe my future job. I found myself that I really like to helping with YE since I helped Lenka with this YE. So I am on right path. Thank you Lenka and thank you A.D.E.L.” Lucia, Slovakia

More pictures from youth exchange here: 

Project was supported from Erasmus+ programme.