Dátum konania
06/09/2017 - 14/09/2017
Miesta konania
Gilwell Park, London
Typ projektu:
Zhrnutie o čom výmena bola:
Youth exchange where participants learnt more about the European System, the European democratic system and the importance of active citizenship and active participation of youth in policy and society. They learnt how the EU works, what is their place and role in the EU is or should be and what their obligations are or how they can facilitate change in their communities and in the EU.
We have chosen sports as a medium to help them understand this concept better. The EU is currently made up of 28 countries, some are major players, but the majority are minorities within the EU and sometimes feel insignificant, with a feeling that they are too weak as countries, either economically or in numbers to have any impact or effect on EU policy. We wanted to show that every country regardless of how big or small, is a contributor to the EU and plays a vital role in the EU. The objective was to allow the youth to better understand that by being active members of a society and by working together and also contributing to the growth of the EU they can be key players in the EU.
The project adopted sports as the medium to simulate the workings of the EU allowing participants to work together in international groups to utilise individual strength to make the groups stronger and also to understand weaknesses so that we can help each other be stronger as a whole. Many aspects needed to be analysed during the project including cultural differences, local resources and strengths of each country and also the knowledge available in each community.
Na výmene boli účastníci z Bulharska , Chorvátska , Česka , Talianska , Cypru , Grécka , Rumunska , Turecka , Lotyšska , Švédska a samozrejme Slovenska .