Dátum konania
23/07/2018 - 05/08/2018
Miesta konania
Roussines, France
Typ projektu:
Skvelý článok z výmeny si môžete prečítať tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/pribehy-ucastnikov/francuzsko-v-cirkuse
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Zhrnutie o čom bola mládežnícka výmena:
Circus is a powerful tool to meet others, gain confidence and acceptance for others and oneself. The idea of creating a youth exchange was formed. This exchange combined receiving young people from abroad with circus practice as an opportunity to work together.
Throughout this European exchange for youngsters of 16-18 years old during 15 days we wanted them to give a chance to:
- Meet and get to know youth of different countries to open up to each other and show respect to cultural differences;
- Promote the access to circus practice for all;
- To empower youngsters in their practice, to allow them to gain self-confidence due to practicing an artistic discipline;
- Make together a collective activity according to everyone’s experience;
- Allow youngsters to cross mental barriers (discover another language and culture, to live and spend time together);
- Develop the feeling of European citizenship in participating youth and local inhabitants.
Účastníci boli z Francúzska , Arménska a Slovenska .