Music and arts as a way to intercultural dialogue

Mládežnícka výmena s ADEL Slovakia
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Dátum konania
18/09/2017 - 25/09/2017

Miesta konania
Kaunas, Lithuania

Typ projektu:

“Litva bola o umení a hudbe. Celý projekt bol zameraný na tie dva aspekty, bez ktorých nevie veľa z nás žiť. A že to o týchto dvoj veciach bolo neustále, vám môže byť jasné. Hudba medzi nami mazala rozdiely, interkulturálne večery zneli v národných slovách a tie boli zrazu akési blízke. A aj keď sme nevedeli, o čom sa to vlastne spieva, spievalo sa nám pekne. A umením bolo, ako rýchlo sa z nás stala partia. Kamaráti, ktorí nechceli jeden bez druhého večer odísť do mesta. A aj keď väčšinu z nás pokúšala choroba, liečili sme sa dobrou náladou a smiechom. Liekom bolo aj úžasné historické mesto Kaunas, ktoré nás na každom kúsku prekvapilo niečím krajším. A že bola Litva nezabudnuteľná sme si pripomenuli hneď krátko po projekte v Bratislave na Bielej noci v plnom zložení slovenskej skupiny a už teraz plánujeme ďalšie stretko.” Ľubka

Press release:

Association „Neribota ateitis“ together with partners „ADEL“ from Slovakia,  „ARVIS“ from Romania, „International Center for Development of Education and Training“ from Bulgaria, „Cultural Assiciation Nostos Pissouriou“ from Cyprus and „Young volunteers“ from Turkey gathered 36 young participants to youth exchange project „Music and arts as a way to intercultural dialogue“. Project financed under programme Erasmus+ took place in Kaunas, Lithuania, from 18th to 24th of September.

Main aim of the project was to develop intercultural dialogue by using arts as a mean of communication. Project covered the topics as decreased tolerance, incapability to communicate with people from other cultures. Participants came with background experience related with music, dance and other types of arts which kept them motivated and involved during the time of the project.

The project was based on experiential learning and consisted of non-formal learning methods. Participants had various workshops, case analysis, communication with local people, presentations and analysis of each country’s situation in terms of intercultural communication and other sessions during which participants could express their thoughts and insights in non-verbal ways.

One week is too little to explore all the potential and colours of  the topic and at the same time it’s enough, that after only one week you feel like you are leaving family, with whom you communicated in the same language, like you were from the same country, the same culture…

We all are very thankful Erasmus+ programme for this wonderful opportunity and are looking forward to use our learnings to make society better off.

(kamarátstvá pretrvávajú…reunion slovenskej skupiny počas Bielej noci :))