Dátum konania
04/06/2018 - 11/06/2018
Miesta konania
Ankara, Turkey
Typ projektu:
Ako bolo?
Tréning v Turecku na ktorom sa už počas prvých dvoch predprojektových dňoch začínala napĺňať téma. Počas týchto dvoch dní sme sa ako slovenská skupina veľmi dobre zoznámili. Nevieme, či to bola náhoda, ale všetky tri nás už od začiatku spájala univerzita. Tréning bol priamo v Ankare, ktorá bola plná kontrastov ako to už vo svete býva. Niekde prepych a plno odpadkov a niekde chudoba s čistotou. Na tréningu sme komunikovali aj o takýchto aspektoch života, ako a kde sa dá v určitých situáciách pomôcť. Na čo je dobré založiť si neziskovú organizáciu, či naopak spoločnosť s prepracovaným business plánom. Naučili sme sa toho veľa ohľadom podnikania, ale tiež sme si zlepšili komunikačné, jazykové, leaderské, či reprezentačné schopnosti a zručnosti. Prezentovanie slovenského večera sme si poriadne pripravili a bolo vidno aj výsledok, zatancovali sme naše tradičné tance, zaspievali sme typické piesne, ukázali najznámejšie ale aj skryté krásy Slovenska. Vôbec sme sa nestratili pri ostatných prezentáciach krajín ako napríklad Veľká Británia, Španielsko a podobne. Práveže sme vynikli, ako sa hovorí: Slovakia-Little Big Country.
Janka Kozoňová
Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:
Background information and theme:
Our society is increasingly looking for flexible and creative people willing to take action and inspire others, create possibilities and be pro-active. The base of proactivity and creativity is “inner leadership”: a strong personality who can carry responsibilities. That means relying on your-self and making conscious decisions based on your own feelings and thoughts. We believe that gaining a deeper understanding of ‘who we are’ is an empowering process which can lead to positive life changes and inner leadership. Empowering young people through this process leads to increased entrepreneurial skills. If someone knows himself better, if someone recognizes his/her passions and skills, it’s easier to be motivated for and focused on starting a project. It all starts with self- knowledge, it all starts with your own identity. But there’s more! Inner leadership is not enough to turn a project into success. Conscious decisions are not based on your own inner feelings and thoughts, but also depends on what happens around you, in your professional environment and in society in general. Moreover you also need a strong practical approach, and a knowledge of concrete initiatives, ready to use once you’re back home.
Through an interactive and participative approach, this training course will stimulate creativity, risk taking and will motivate developing innovative project ideas. “Path to success: Unleash the entrepreneurial potential of your youngsters” is a 7 days long training course designed to develop the competences of youth workers with a special attention to developing initiative and entrepreneurship in order to improve the quality of their work with young people. What is the need? Future economy and society need strong and selfconscious people with a pro-active and creative attitude. Supporting young people to develop their entrepreneurial spirit requires specific competences on the youth worker side and a clear feeling of identity and self-knowledge. Through this training course we aim to equip youth workers with the competences needed to motivate youngsters to become active actors of the society, to start their own initiatives, entrepreneurial or not, and to benefit the community they belong to. Several researches point out that there is a meaningful difference between young people who had received entrepreneurship courses and those who did not, and that the first group is more likely to start and to become more sucsessfull in their projects or business venture. As one of the priorities of the Erasmus+ Program, during this training course we will strengthen our own identity and the competences we need as youth workers in order to work with young people on entrepreneurship skills. This training will focus especially on the definition of the youth worker ‘competences needs to work on entrepreneurship with a strong practical approach, ready to be used, once back home.’ Through an interactive and participative method, the training course will stimulate creativity, risk taking, new vision and will encourage developing innovative project ideas.
The main aim of “Path to success: Unleash the entrepreneurial potential of your youngsters” was to prepare youth workers to stimulate their young people in a holistic way to find their way as entrepreneurs. We equip the youth workers with methods and tools to discover their competences from different angles and to clarify their own understanding of it. Moreover, we provided them practical tools and methods to work with when helping young people to explore their own sense of initiative and entrepreneurship.
The training was based on three pillars:
- Personal reflection of yourself as youth worker and what is needed to become a trainer in entrepreneurship.
- Which are the exact entrepreneurial skills and qualities we want to develop in young people and which describe an entrepreneur accompanied by resources that can help young people in their entrepreneurial “adventure”
- How do we want to develop the entrepreneurial skills and qualities among young people through non formal education? Design of workshops and trainings.
Účastníci boli zo Španielska , Talianska , Portugalska , Litvy , Poľska , Veľkej Británie a Slovenska .