Play for Peace

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Dátum konania
20/06/2024 - 24/06/2024

Miesta konania
Nyirbator, Hungary

Typ projektu:

The P4P project arose with the need for issues of inclusion, support, and welcome to the Ukrainian refugees in Europe. In 2022, Romania has taken in almost 113,000 Ukrainian refugees. In the partnership, all partners have refugees from Ukraine and other countries. Since 2022,increasing number of refugee children and young people have social inclusion needs during their social-educational life. For these disadvantaged youth, sport can be transformational; create new opportunities, build friendships etc.
P4P project is going with European Youth Goals #3 Inclusive societies, #5 Mental Health & Wellbeing and #9 Space and Participation for All. It is worth mentioning that according to "Integration of people fleeing Ukraine: Asscher report (" published by the European Commission (EC), EU is determined to support the integration of people fleeing the war in Ukraine.The report goes on to conclude that refugees who have fled their homes still in need of help to be included in the communities.According to UNHCR Sport Strategy, sport is "More than a Game". It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. Via P4P we would like to create a network between sport clubs,sport organisations and NGOs working with refugees.By using the healing power of sport we would like to help more refugees, and disadvantaged youth and exchange good practices.

Objectives of P4P
O1 To enable youth workers working with disadvantaged young people to be more ready to be integrated into daily life through sport with inclusive methods, training courses, new educational toolkits
O2 To extend and develop youth workers/sport staff working with disadvantaged youth and enabling these youth to integrate and be included in society while using more inclusive, integrative sport activities
O3 Use the power of sport and physical activity for psycho-social support, stress relief, education, health and inclusion of disadvantaged youth and refugees

P4P project aims and activities are harmonized with the project priorities. We want to support
refugees from Ukraine and other nations. We stand on important equality-in-sport issues.It’s time to end the discriminatory practice of racial preferences.

Training course is for everybody who is interested in the topic, want to travel, learn and meet new people and cultures from the age of 18+.

Participants were from Hungary Hungary, Romania Romania, Turkey Turkey and Slovakia Slovakia. There were 6 participants from each country.