Respond to your NEET

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Dátum konania
09/08/2017 - 15/08/2017

Miesta konania
Wuppertal, Germany

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The immediate future of Europe depends upon the 94 million Europeans aged between 15 and 29. Apart from the challenges that young people for generations have faced as they embark up on adult life, this generation will live in an era of full globalisation and will have to cope with the responsibility of an ageing population.

Being NEET has severe adverse consequences for the individual, society and the economy. Spending time as NEET may lead to a wide range of social disadvantages, such as disaffection, insecure and poor future employment, youth offending, and mental and physical health problems. European Union is more than concerned about NEET’s problem and there are various initiatives and actions being taken to reinforce youth in facing unemployment and social exclusion.

Training with 32 youth workers and youth leaders tried to:

  • support young people to identify the strengths and weaknesses of their personality on several sectors;
  • develop specific skills (spoken communication, making effective presentations,networking, teamwork, etc.) which will later foster their employability;
  • gain together better understanding of the NEET issue by sharing previous successful interventions and nderstanding each partner role in the problem solving.
  • equip those involved with NEET youth work with skills and competencies to better support this vulnerable target group.

Na tréningu boli účastníci z Nemecka Germany,  Cypru Cyprus, Bulharska, Bulgaria, Rakúska Austria, Macedónska North Macedonia, Rumunska, Romania, Španielska Spain, Poľska Poland, Lotyšska Latvia, Portugalska Portugal, Talianska Italy a samozrejme Slovenska Slovakia.