Rethink the future – Reinvent the city

Mládežnícka výmena v Chorvátsku
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Dátum konania
17/09/2017 - 23/09/2017

Miesta konania
Perna, Croatia

Typ projektu:

Ako bolo/čo robili počas výmeny?

“Boli sme na takej zrúcanine, kde sme dostali za úlohu napísať 10 našich najvýznamnejších hodnôt. Následne sme sa mali prejsť po určených stanovištiach a tam sme postupne selektovali naše hodnoty od najmenej významných až kým sme sa nedostali ku kľúčovej hodnote pre nás. Ďalej si pamätám aktivitu zameranú na vytvorenie našej ideálnej krajiny. V tejto úlohe sme mali napísať 3 základné piliere nášho ideálneho mesta ( ekonomika, zdravotníctvo , školstvo napr.) a mali sme naplánovať ako to docielime v našom meste. Následne sme to nalepili na šarkana, ktorého sme vytvorili a boli sme otestovať, či je schopné toto naše mesto vzlietnuť. Celkovo hodnotím projekt ako dobrý. Mal isté nedostatky, ale to sa dá pochopiť keďže to bol Tinin prvý projekt.” Oliver

“Taktiež sme navštívili mesto Orebić, kde sme absolvovali taktiež pár aktivíť: V kostole, ktoré je taktiež galériou sme opisovali dojmy z tohto mieste (táto aktivita bola zameraná na sledovanie štýlu písania osôb) a taktiež sme vyjadrovali pocity z vybraných piesni, čo v nás vyvolávajú. Na mestskom úrade sme mali premietanie videí enviromentálneho charakteru a ďalej sme pokračovali do stáreho ale veľmi zaujimáveho domu, kde sme v skupinkách natáčali kratke filmy.” Veronika

Zhrnutie o čom výmena bola:

”Rethink the future – Reinvent the city” addressd the current situation and the future of youth in modern Europe, where is significantly noticeable that, because of the migration crisis, intercultural conflict, an increase of radicalism, violence, encouragement of religious hate and bigotry are just some of the indicators that the coexistence of immigrants and the native population presents us with a uncertain kind of picture of the future and creates fear of the other and the different. Now, more than ever, the culture of belonging and identities are being questioned, bringing cultural differences, which are mostly considered irreconcilable, to the main focus.

This project was a form of an artistic-educational experiment which connected youngsters from six different parts of Europe, who re-examined the future of coexistence through artistic interventions in civic realities. The youth through this process of non-formal learning (innovative artistic practices, civic upbringing and education) and intercultural dialogue, as well as the exchange of knowledge and skills offered a „new concept of the imaginary city/new values of the Europe“, especially focusing on the future of the community and relevant changes to which they could contribute.

Main objectives of youth exchange were:

1. conflict transformation through intercultural dialogue: We believe that through international exchange of youth, we are working on building a multicultural setting of the future, and empowering the youth through artistic-educational methods that secure complete personal development, strengthen the respect of human rights and freedoms because through contact with different cultures – we are creating a space of creative interplay which builds understanding and friendship. The awareness and knowledge of cultural practices and art forms strengthen personal and collective identities and values, and contribute to the preservation and promotion of cultural differences. Artistic upbringing develops cultural awareness, promotes cultural practices and is a medium through which the knowledge of arts and culture is being transferred from one generation to the other.

2. art and Youth building with innovative (non-formal) learning methods – Strengthening youth to become future innovators and initiators of change in their community, improving their motivation. We want to present artistic strategies and practices as innovative learning methods (Valuing art, artistic upbringing and education – Art creates insights and opens horizons, encourages creativity and initiative-taking, develops critical thinking and professional skills. Artistic upbringing, as an ethical and civic creation, poses as an essential medium of social integration, and can help with solving critical problems which modern Europe is facing today.

Through our project and according to Erasmus+ programs we:

  • promoted participation in democratic life in Europe (encouraging the youth to be active and responsible European citizens)
  • improved the level of learning performance and key competence: artistic skills, creative thinking, critical thinking, and open-mindedness; with innovative methods of learning, artistic practices and exchange of knowledge in order to gain new experiences and skills, resulting in better academic results, in order to become future innovators or initiator of change in their community, improving their motivation to try something similar in the near future);
  • established intercultural dialogue – by enhanced cooperation between organizations youth achieved greater intercultural awareness; through discussions, art workshops and various tools and excercices. Working together in groups in order to create something together – music piece, art installation, short video, etc.)

You can check booklet from youth exchange here:

and video here:

Na výmene boli účastníci z  Chorvátska Croatia, Slovenska Slovakia, Litvy Lithuania,  Španielska Spain,  Talianska Italy a Rumunska Romania.