Dátum konania
01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021
Miesta konania
Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, North Macedonia
Typ projektu:
Ako už názov napovedá, cieľom projektu bolo podporiť inklúziu Rómov prostredníctvom športu a organizovať lokálne a medzinárodné športové podujatia s Rómami a pre Rómov. Okrem toho sme pracovali na databáze športových aktivít, podujatí a projektov, ktoré už v tejto oblasti v rôznych krajinách prebiehajú ako zdroj inšpirácie pre iné športové organizácie. Na projekte spolupracujeme s partnermi z Maďarska, Bulharska, Rumunska a Severného Macedónska.
Pictures from Training course in Bulgaria
Viac informácií o čom projekt bol v angličtine:
RISE (Roma Inclusion through Sport in Europe) – aim of the project is to tackle discrimination, social exclusion and marginalisation of Roma youngsters through exchanging of good practices, capacity building activities and the development and implementation of sport-based educational activities.
RISE (Roma Inclusion through Sport in Europe) was a joint initiative of European sport and civil society organisations to tackle discrimination, social exclusion and marginalisation of Roma youngsters through exchanging of good practices, capacity building activities and the development and implementation of sport-based educational activities. The key objective of the project was to promote social inclusion, equal opportunities and awareness of disadvantaged situation of the Roma minority through sport-based education activities. RISE was a 18-months long Small Collaborative Partnership framed under the Erasmus+ Sport priority “encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport” addressing the needs of underprivileged young EU citizens and organisations dealing with this target group.
Pictures from Local event in Slovakia
General aims of the project:
- To promote social inclusion, equal opportunities and sport-based education for underprivileged (especially Roma) young people, and raise awareness of the importance of health-enhancing physical activity through innovative cross-sector cooperation;
- To empower and build capacity of sport clubs, youth organisations, educational institutions to develop and deliver sport-based educational activities targeting underprivileged populations, especially Roma youngsters;
- To collect, classify and promote European good practices in the field of social inclusion through sport and to develop a sport-based educational methodology to be introduced in an accessible handbook;
- To up-skill trainers, coaches, youth leaders and NGO staff with necessary knowledge to realize sport-based educational interventions to underprivileged target groups, such as Roma youngsters.
Pictures from Conference in Bratislava
Key tasks of the partnership:
– mapping the field of European sport–based social inclusion programmes targeting Roma populations, identifying and collecting good practices and exchanging ideas;
– reaching out and consulting with associated partners, researchers, educational institutions, community based youth organisations; grassroots sport clubs, sport federations, schools, NGOs dealing with Roma youngsters in order to better understand their needs and the field of social inclusion and education through sport in general;
– developing the methodology and the content of the educational handbook based on the data collection and the consultation.
MORE INFORMATION ABOUT PROJECT: https://romasport.eu.com/
Final handbook of the project is available here – RISE Toolkit Latest