Run for Equality workshop

Run for equality
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Dátum konania
09/11/2019 - 11/11/2019

Miesta konania
Rome, Italy

Typ projektu:

feedback od účastníkov:

“Workshop Run for Equality v Ríme bol súčasťou 3 stretnutí, ktoré sa odohrali v iných krajinách. Workshop v Ríme trval iba jeden deň, no o to bol intenzívnejší. Účastníkmi boli mladí ľudia zo Španielska, Chorvátska, Turecka a Slovenska. Išlo o rôznorodú paletu osobností, čo len podčiarklo hlavnú tému celého dňa, ktorou bola diverzita v športe na základe sexuálnej orientácie a príslušnosti k minoritám. Program dňa tvorila práca v skupinkách, workshopy, ako napríklad vytvorenie propagačného videa k danej téme. Obohacujúcimi boli diskusie o postavení minorít a ich vnímanie v očiach väčšinovej spoločnosti. Večer patril rôznym náučným hrám, ktoré by mladých a deti mohli povzbudiť k otvorenosti voči iným ľuďom a k tolerancii a pochopeniu iných názorov a pohľadov na svet. K zaujímavosti celého programu prispeli aj krásy a história večného mesta, dobré jedlo a spontánne rozhovory s účastníkmi tohto netradičného projektu.”

Eva a Peter

Viac info o workshope:

5 participants from five different countries worked and learnt through the Non-Formal Education Teaching Method. There were Group, Presentation and Cooperation Activities as well as Indoor and Outdoor activities, briefing sessions and moments of best practice sharing. The participants were able to discuss the project’s topic, to broaden their horizon to an international level and realize that they are part of a network of organizations who want to fight for gender equality and against the exclusion and discrimination of LGBTI people in sports environments and in society as well.

During this meeting we focused on how to “teach” Human rights through a new metodology of non formal Education focused on the topic. Our workshop was also focused on the creation of new excercise and techniques of non formal education.

Viac info o projekte “Run for Equality”:

Youth workers and youth leaders have the potential to prevent discrimination and favour the inclusion of LGBTI people both in sports and in society. Before knowing what kinds of oppression and discrimination the LGBTI community faces in sports, we believe it is fundamental to give an overview on how oppression and discrimination have historically developed again stand even within the LGBTI community. Therefore, after a thorough look at all the definitions and situations belonging to the LGBTI world, the project will continue focusing on how this particular community relates to sports. We know for a fact that, based on the results of a research carried out by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) published in 2014, more than 50% of European LGBTI people try to avoid specific places for fear of not being able to declare their identity. The project addresses the topic ”Promote education in and through sport with a special focus on skills development”, by focusing on sport educational tools in the field of Human Rights Education concerning diversity and social inclusion.

●to encourage youth workers and youth leaders to understand the importance of sport educational tools in the field of Human Rights Education concerning diversity and social inclusion.

●to raise awareness about the dynamics of oppression and discrimination of the LGBTI community in sports,
●to develop educational methods and improve existing good practices in order to build a common mindset representing equality in and through sports,
● to promote a positive approach to body consciousness in and through sport.

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