Rural areas for You(th) You(th) for rural areas

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Dátum konania
23/03/2017 - 31/03/2017

Miesta konania
Červený Kláštor

Typ projektu:

Zrealizovali sme skromne povedané veľmi vydarenú výmenu 🙂 zameranú na rozvoj vidieka a fotografovanie, ale čo Vám budeme hovoriť my, tu sú názory samotných účastníkov:

“This was a lifechanging experience. Youth Exchange made me realzed countless opportunities that being a young European offers. I have positively changed in so many ways during these 7 days than I havent in my whole life. I have fallen in love  with the various cultures and personalities participanting in this program and the breath-taking views of Cerveny Klastor.” Mikaella, Cyprus

“I was pleasantly surprised. The youth exchange was organised very professionally and interestingly. Participants were also extreely funny, helpful and social. I wish aI had knownt about youth exchange earlier.” Eduard, Estonia

“Slovakia and her people are wonderful. I love the rural areas from Slovakia and I think that its very productive to promote it with photographies. Slovakia has got an interesting natural heritage. Lenka you are the best. Barbara Gracias!” Pablo, Spain

“It was a very good youth Exchange, with nice activities, especially the outdoor ones. I gained new knowledge about photography and I nwas convinced to use manual mostly while taking pictures. The group was one of the best that I have met during many of YE-s and TC-s.” Bartosz, Poland

“My first experiences happened in this rural area 🙂 Firstly hiking was amazing for me because it was my first time and I was so scared. But I had really nice friends with me and they helped me. Now, I haver eally good amazing friends in the world. I dont want to come back, but in here, I learned being better person, more social and friendly.” I love you!” Sevval, Turkey

Bližšie informmácie o čom mládežnícka výmena bola:

Are you interested in photography, nature and development of rural areas? Organization ADEL decided to organize youth exchange where you participants improved skills in photography but also helped to promote Slovakia abroad and develop tourism and business in rural areas. Slovak villages are beautiful but running off people, therefore we also wanted to share experience from other countries in order all together find new ways how to change that situation. There were various activities during the youth exchange: getting-know each others activities, teambuilding activities, energizers, intercultural evenings…

The main programe was devided into two parts:

devlelopment of rural areas through promotion and tourism – workshop how to work with camera and take good pictures, how to edit them, how to use graphic design software (of course basics of it),  field trip where we visited various villages in Slovakia and collectd materials there (pictures, videos) which were used in preparation of promotional materials.

The second part of the youth exchange was focused on:

development of rural areas through business – we discussed challanges to do business in rural reasa, how to overcome them. The project aimed also to familiarize participants with other projects, programs and possibilities that they can use in the future, such as Erasmus+, Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, European Voluntary Service, possibilities to apply for grant as „new entrepreneur“ etc. We also discussed about some potential business ideas and possible future projects – another youth exchanges or local projects in order to improve rural areas.

The main results of the youth exchange are promotional materials – photos, leaflet, brochure, 2 videos about slovak countryside which participants will promote also in their countries. Of course, another results – new skills and knowledge which participants got, new friends which they made, unforgettable moments and a lot of fun which we had together 🙂

Na výmene boli účastníci z Talianska Italy, Španielska Portugal, Cypru Cyprus, Turecka Turkey, Estónska Estonia, Poľska Poland a samozrejme Slováci Slovakia.

Viac fotiek z tohto krásneho regiónu odfotené našimi účastníkmi tu:

Všetky materiály sú tu:

Projekt bol  organizovaný vďaka finančnej podpore z programu Erasmus+



Účasť na projekte

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.