Dátum konania
04/04/2024 - 12/04/2024
Miesta konania
Murska Sobota, Slovenia
Typ projektu:
With the project Rural Movez we want to alert the youth of balanced nutrition and mental health importance. These issues were influenced by the Covid-19 epidemic that has changed our daily lives in a great way and has almost overnight put us in a new reality. Great influence have especially changes of children life’s and young people. Suddenly we had to adapt a lot of radical changes, like homeschooling, restriction of public life, restrictions of contacts, movement limitations and travel restrictions. Among youth, where mental health issues are a common occurrence, is now a situation, where possible problems are therefore more intensified. More and more cases of self-injuries, panic attacks, numbness, introversions and suicide attempts are noticed among young people. Described distresses are not bond to the socially weak, but are becoming a new general reality. People from rural areas are dealing with additional problems. They had a more difficult way crossing back to the »normal« life after the epidemic. With the youth exchange we want to point out the mentioned topics. We want to actively raise awareness of this issues among youth and young people from rural areas.
We want to show, that these issues are not taboo and that raising awareness and motivating conversations is an effective way of solving distresses and problems among youth, because exactly the youth period is the key for designing efficient and constructive ways of confronting stress stations. In the same way restricted movement is important, because young people were isolated and looked up in the environment of one’s own home. Therefore the goal is to promote a healthy life style, to stay physically active, to socialize in the nature and to spend free time in an active way, because physical well- being and mental health are tightly bound together. Projects participants want to ensure a safe and friendly environment, where new contacts can be created. Together we want to evaluate and find way, how young people can bond among themselves, move, beneficially spend free time and have healthy dieting habits. Through participation good practice will be recognized and tested and afterwards transferred to the home environment of all participating organizations.
Participants were from Romania , Poland , Slovenia and Slovakia . There were 7 participants from each country.