Dátum konania
18/07/2022 - 23/07/2022
Miesta konania
Ostello Valverde, Italy
Typ projektu:
Tréning na rozvoj sociálneho divadla a hlbšie pochopenie sociálnej citlivosti pri práci s mládežou na severe Talianska.
More info about the project:
The “Social Theatre Toolbox” project was a physical and mental space where participants could stop,take a break and reflect on the role of “theatre tools” that are often used in the field of youth work, a space where we can focus in particular on the dynamics and energies that can arise from this type of work, highlighting creative processes.
These techniques are very effective and widely used while working with youngsters, but it’s important to know them deeply, if we want to carry out quality work with positive effects on young people, local communities, territories, organizations that promote such projects and indirectly on all the persons and institutions that gravitate around us.
Are Youth Workers always able to manage theater projects aimed at young people? Do they have clear in mind what effects (even secondary effects) can arise from the implementation of such techniques? Are they always aware of the impact they will have on local areas and communities? Is it possible to modulate different proposals based on the specific characteristics of the groups and individuals involved? Are Youth Workers ready to come up with functional and consistent creative last minute ideas, in case unforeseen circumstances occur?
Through the Social Theater Toolbox project we intended to create an opportunity for discussion on these questions, to provide food for thought and tools to address the difficulties of the projects of Social Theater, but also to confront ourselves, to receive feedback, to exchange good practices and last but not least, to maintain a high level of motivation for Youth Workers to use these techniques, with hopefully encouraging results.
Project objectives
The main goal of this project was to increase the level of competence, work quality and sensitivity of Youth Workers who choose to use social theatre tools in the different contexts in which they operate.
Participants were from Italy , Hungary
, Spain
, Portugal
, Greece
, France
, Cyprus
, Estonia
, Finland
, Lithuania
and Slovakia
. There were 2 participants from each country.