SPort Education Against Radicalisation – SPEAR

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Dátum konania
01/01/2020 - 31/12/2021

Miesta konania
Slovakia, Italy, Sweden, Bulgaria

Typ projektu:

V rámci tohto projektu sme vytvorili a vyškolili sieť tzv. „športových ambasádorov“, ktorí s našou pomocou zorganizovali športové podujatia pre Slovákov a cudzincov na Slovensku. Počas projektu sme analyzovali či a aké podobné podujatia už zrealizované boli, aby sme ich vedeli lepšie naplánovať. Na projekte sme spolupracovali s organizáciami z Talianska, Bulharska a Švédska, kde boli takéto podujatia zrealizované tiež. Okrem toho sme pripravili tréningový modul.


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Viac informácií o čom projekt bol v angličtine:

The project was a small collaborative partnership in the field of sport whose goal was to prevent radicalisation of young people encouraging social inclusion and equal opportunities in sport.

The project partners achieved this objective by creating a network of 16 ambassadors that reached young people in events at the local level using the Education Through Sport (ETS) methodology. The ambassadors constituted a transnational network for sport education against radicalisation strengthening the links between project partners and external stakeholders.
A comprehensive research provided the European state-of-the-art about current practices to prevent radicalisation in sport and through sport education. Afterwards, the ambassadors realised a set of awareness-raising actions online and sport events.

Project objectives: 

  • Prevention of and fight against violence and intolerance
  • Social inclusion in and through sport
  • Research on radicalisation and identification of best practices about countering radicalisation in and through sport.
  • Development of a training format to empower ambassadors in reaching out to young people using the ETS methodology.
  • Creating a network of ambassadors.
  • Piloting of the training format
  • Awareness-raising activities: Online campaign, sport actions with young people
  • Final event hosted by MV International in Sassari: Sport championship against radicalization, SPEAR Conference.

Project Handbook is HERE 

More info here: