Step into success

Školenie v Poľsku Erasmus
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Dátum konania
28/11/2017 - 02/12/2017

Miesta konania
Lesko, Poland

Typ projektu:

feedback od účastníčky: 

„Projekt sa zameriaval na skúsenosti účastníkov s podnikaním, tvorbou projektov a nadobudnutými skúsenosťami. Dozvedeli sme sa ako fungujú neziskové organizácie v krajinách, ktoré sa zúčastnili tohto projektu. My s Petrom sme prezentovali svoje skúsenosti s programami Erasmus+ na miestnej Vysokej škole v Sanoku v rámci dňa Erazmu, ktorý sa tam konal. Vekové rozloženie bolo širšie, čo umožňovalo nielen medzikultúrny dialóg ale taktiež diskusiu a vzájomné obohatenie účastníkov z pohľadu viacerých vekových skupín. Kolektív sme mali skvelý, takže verím že kontaky a kamarátstva z tohto tréningu pretrvajú a možno vytvoria v budúcnosti aj spolupráce na ďalších projektoch. Jediná škoda bola, že tréning trval tak krátko :)“ Simi

Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol: 

Goal of the project was to exchange experience between the leaders, youth workers, trainers, in order to increase the knowledge about entrepreneurship among young people. Many activities were realized during the training using methods of non-formal education and using English for communication. The working methods were: discussions, integration games, work in groups, meetings with experts, presentations, integration games, themed activities, discussions, city game, national and regional evenings, meetings with local community, daily evaluation sessions etc.).

The project was an opportunity for us to gain valuable experience, knowledge, new friendships and attitudes, that had a positive influence on our future.We wanted to create strong partnerships in order to implement joint initiatives in the future. Project resulted in higher quality of the activities carried out with young people to promote entrepreneurship as well as an expert publication for the young workers. Our long term benefit after seminar are new created initiatives based on the stable and solid partnership in the topic of entrepreneurship among young people.

You can find all information about the project here:

Účastníci boli z Poľska Poland, Litvy Lithuania, Talianska Italy, Rumunska Romania, Bulharska Bulgaria, Macedónska North Macedonia, Lotyšska Latvia, Turecka Turkey, Grécka Greece, a Slovenska Slovakia.