Dátum konania
08/02/2020 - 16/02/2020
Miesta konania
Manchester, United Kingdom
Typ projektu:
Tréning v Manchestri sa konal v dňoch 8. – 16. februára počas ktorého sa účastníci oboznámili s kreatívnymi a inovatívnymi aktivitami, ktoré sú potrebné pre prácu s mladými ľuďmi a migrantmi.
Článok z tréningu tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/pribehy-ucastnikov/produktivny-tyzden-so-skvelou-spolocnostou
Viac info o školení:
The overall aim of this project was to develop and promote a new positive narrative of inclusion through creative and innovative youth work activities. To train youth workers and youth leaders giving the chance to young Europeans and young refugees and migrants to meet and share and explore their stories in order to match them with the needs of the communities they live in.
Objectives of the project were:
- To analyse the migrants’ background, the migration flows and reasons behind it;
- To contribute to migrants and refugees integration;
- To promote inclusion, tolerance and mutual understanding / fight generalisation, racism and stereotypes;
- To promote a change of perception towards migration and refugees;
- To raise awareness on the feelings, hopes, needs, fears, dreams, expectations, competences and skills of migrants/refugees and on their positive contribution to local communities;
- To develop 10 strategies to match community needs and migrants’ stories.
These objectives were reached by implementing two different and subsequent training courses and connecting them with some local activities that each partner has already committed to implement at the local level (between the two activities and as a follow up after the first training). As a results of this training, we foresee to realize a final publication in which thoughts, reflections & stories of migrations developed as “modern fairy-tales” will be presented. The publication will also promote the concept of “community match”, defined as the opportunity to match the stories, skills and knowledge of the migrants with the needs and opportunities of the community they live in.
The methodology of the training course:
Generally, the working methods were rather non-formal and participative. Methods planned to use e.g. individual work, pair work, organisational work, mixed group work, field activity, light theater method, theater of oppressed, Dixit card exercise, montages, interviews, statutes, debate, aquarium discussion, etc. E-booklet on youth work goes intercultural for public use.
Tréning bol určený pracovníkom s mládežou, aktívnym členom alebo dobrovoľníkom v rôznych organizáciách (od 18 rokov). Účastníci boli z Maďarska , Rumunska , Grécka , Talianska , Estónska , Turecka , Španielska a Slovenska .