Taste Before You Waste

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Dátum konania
09/07/2022 - 16/07/2022

Miesta konania
Molochio, Italy

Typ projektu:

V EÚ sa ročne vyhodí až 88 miliónov ton jedla, čo predstavuje 173 kilogramov na osobu. Najviac jedla však vyhadzujú koneční spotrebitelia, a to až 53 percent. Vyhadzovanie jedla nie je len ekonomický a environmentálny problém, ale týka sa aj etiky. Ponuka vycestovať na taliansky vidiek do dedinky Molochio v Reggio Calabria a dozvedieť sa viac o tejto téme.

More info about the project:

Our lives depend on food and we need to ensure that we use it responsibly. Food waste is a significant concern, data in the EU shows that around 88 million tonnes of food waste are generated in a year and the cost associated is of 143 billion euros (FUSIONS, 2016). Globally, it is reported that 1/3 of the food produced for human consumption ends up as waste (FAO, 2011). According to the report ”Estimates of European food waste levels” of FUSIONS for the European Commission, the main place where food waste occurs is the household. Therefore, this project aimed to raise awareness among youth participants about the problem of food waste and the need to promote sustainable consumption, starting from their daily environment which is at home.

Project Goals & Objectives were

  • To raise awareness among the youth participant s about the problem of food waste in the EU and globally;
  • To raise awareness among the youth participant s about innovative businesses : recycling, reuse and upcycling;
  • To encourage youth participant s to reflect on the possible solutions and strategies to reduce food waste starting from their daily habits;
  • To encourage youth participant s to reflect on the possible solutions and strategies to prevent food waste;

Participants were from Spain Spain, Portugal Portugal, Romania Romania, Lithuania Lithuania and Slovakia Slovakia. There were 5 participants from each country.