The Citizens are United – conference in Dublin

The citizens are united conference - Dublin
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Dátum konania
24/01/2019 - 27/01/2019

Miesta konania
Dublin, Ireland

Typ projektu:

2-dňová konferencia v Dubline v dňoch 24. – 27. januára 2019 počas ktorej sa jej účastníci dozvedeli viac o migrácii a  integračnom procese žiadateľov o azyl, zúčastnili sa rôznych panelových workshopov a dozvedeli sa viac o rôznych aktivitách, ktoré boli implementované v rôznych krajinách s cieľom priblížiť komunitu migrantov a majoritné obyvateľstvo. Na podujatí sa zúčastnili viacerí predstavitelia rôznych NGOs, univerzít a inštitúcií zaoberajúcich sa touto témou.

Podujatie je súčasťou nášho dlhodobého projektu The citizens are united.

Ciele projektu The citizens are united are:

  • Intercultural dialogue

The European Commission committed itself to promoting intercultural dialogue through different initiatives and Programmes. The Europe for Citizens Programme can contribute to achieving this objective by bringing European citizens of different nationalities and different languages together and by giving them the opportunity to participate in common activities. Participation in such a project should raise awareness on the richness of the cultural and linguistic environment in Europe. It should also promote mutual understanding and tolerance, thereby contributing to the development of a respectful, dynamic and multifaceted European identity.

  • Volunteering – expression of active European citizenship

Volunteering is an essential element in active citizenship: by giving one’s time for the benefit of others, volunteers service their community and play an active role in society. They develop the sense of belonging to a community thereby also gaining ownership. Volunteering is therefore a particularly powerful means to develop citizens’ commitment to their society and to its political life. Civil society organisations, associations of a European general interest, town twinning associations and other participating organisations often rely on volunteer work to carry out and to develop their activities.

Blog of the project is here:

Účastníci boli z Malty Malta, Bulharska Bulgaria, Macedónska North Macedonia, Cypru Cyprus, Talianska Italy, Grécka Greece, Rumunska Romania, Portugalska  Portugal a Slovenska Slovakia.