Dátum konania
28/07/2017 - 05/08/2017
Miesta konania
Agros, Cyprus
Typ projektu:
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“The refugee and migration crisis: Dealing with a European problem” was a multilateral youth exchange. 60 participants came from 12 EU countries. As we all know, immigrants have always had a tougher time when trying to adapt to a new social and cultural context. Except the cultural and language differences, this happens especially because they are not allowed to by the existent members of a particular group. Discrimination, prejudice and stereotypes are the main causes of social exclusion. As a consequence, the marginalized individuals do not adapt to the new environment and start acting in a negative way, confirming the general beliefs that “immigrants aren’t their equals”. Even more, this kind of behavior is affecting the job market as well. Immigrants have problems when trying to find a job. Because of prejudice, the employers avoid hiring immigrants or, when they to, they don’t respect their rights and take advantage. With this project, we want to take a stand and try to make a small step that will make a difference in the minds of the participants. We aimed to change their way of seeing things and make them our partners for this cause.
During the project, the participants were involved actively in different activities and also created materials which helped us disseminate and promote the values and the raising of awareness about situation of immigrants. The main purpose of the project was the active participation in the integration of everyone. We tried to find reasons which promote conflicts, to find difficulties and communication barriers by stimulating conversation about intercultural differences, discussions about situations and sharing of views. The participants deepen their knowledge on the subject of intercultural and non-formal learning, draw a map of existing attitudes towards non-formal intercultural learning as achieved through cross-border volunteering. They as well explored the values and impact of intercultural non formal learning and volunteering and share best practices of promoting and increasing visibility of intercultural learning and volunteering as well as develop new practises. The opportunities of using Youthpass in ERASMUS+ activities as a tool for self reflection and evaluation was also discussed. By working, creating and cooperating together our participants became more aware of cultural diversity in Europe. The working programme used informal learning in form of discussing, games, group activities. Through this, they experienced a new way of discovering their own history.
Na výmene boli účastníci z Bulharska , Rumunska , Talianska, , Španielska , Estónska , Poľska, , Grécka , Anglicka, , Slovinska , Maďarska a samozrejme Slovenska .