Dátum konania
16/10/2019 - 22/10/2019
Miesta konania
Torremolinos, Spain
Typ projektu:
Summary what was training about:
The main aim of “Turning waste into worth” Training was to equip youth workers with the skills and knowledge needed for the development of innovative programs in circular economy and being able to engage youth communities to re-think the economic system they are experiencing every day, and act upon it.
The project used non formal learning methodology including methods such as: ice breakers, energizers, name games, reflection groups, working into intercultural subgroups, facilitated discussion, creative presentations, simulation, case study, and debates.
Tréning bol určený pracovníkom s mládežou, aktívnym členom alebo dobrovoľníkom v rôznych organizáciách vo veku 18 – 35 rokov. Účastníci budú zo Španielska , Estónska
, Maďarska
, Poľska
, Rumunska
a Slovenska
. Z každej krajiny bolo po 2- 3 účastníkov.