EDS v Portugalsku
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Dátum konania
01/09/2017 - 31/08/2018

Miesta konania
Olhão, Portugal

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VEEhYcLE – Volunteers in Erasmus+ as an Engine (for social inclusion) of Young peopLE was a group EVS with four volunteers, involving one Hosting Organization (Portugal) and four Sending Organisations (Italy, Spain, Greece and Slovakia). The EVS volunteers were placed for a 12 month period in the Southern Portuguese city of Ohão, where they had the opportunity to experience a totally different culture and way of living, to learn and experience new things, and to use the knowledge and experience gained in their countrys so that they can act as a liaison between partner organisations. The volunteers were involved in the activities and projects developed by the Hosting Organisation and were encouraged to develop and implement their own projects/ ideas.

About hosting organization

MOJU is a youth association that works at local level, is non-profit making, and independent of all political, syndicalism or religious affiliation.

The aims of the Association are:
– Encourage active youth participation in society, directly or indirectly;
– Develop activities (inter) cultural, educational, social, sportive, recreational and environmental aimed at overall development of young people in Olhão’s municipality;
– Promote discussion and dissemination of information about the needs and aspirations of Olhão’s municipality youth, to contribute to the development and implementation of appropriate local policies;
– To collaborate with public and private, national and international entities, aiming the development and implementation of the objectives described above.

MOJU is composed of a group of people who believe in the importance of youth participation in building society and these four years were marked by strong growth of the Association, now a youth mark of our city. Nowadays we have over 400 members (people over 14 years) and many partnerships with public and private entities at local and regional level. MOJU works at local and international levels, with the main objetive of encouraging active youth participation in the society. In order to contribute to a social change in our comunity, mainly in what concerns with youngsters with fewer opportunities and at risk of social exclusion, we would like to get the Accreditation under the Erasmus+ Programme in order to help developing youth capabilities in our main thematic and according to their interests.

More information about organization you can check here:

a čo Veronika robila? 

– Support the development of activities for youngsters, which were involved in the preparation of group dynamics, team building activities, cultural activities, sport activities, and others, always in articulation with the association’s team;

– School support, where the volunteer had the chance to have direct contact with childrens and organise several outside activities;

– Promotion of games and activities for youngsters during the school breaks;

– Work at the social living room of MOJU´s head offices, which are open for the children and youngsters from Monday to Sunday, where the volunteers helped in the organisation of the space, in the organisation of activities for the holidays related to special events, in the organisation of sports activities and in the creation of new activities, among others;

– Support in the international relationships, helping the team in the organization of International Trainings for cooperation of people from different nationalities in various subjects, Youth Work Camps, for the promotion of volunteerism in various subjects and International Training and Exchange Programs;

– Office support in the internation level, helping the team with administrative tasks, making contacts with internacional partners and helping to establish new partnerships.

The volunteers were activly involved in all phases of developing projects for youth in the framework of Youth in Action programme including planning, implementing, direct work with youth and evaluating the activities such as campaigns and promotion, youth camps, seminars and trainings and youth exchanges. That means being in contact with our international partners, coordination of meetings with young project participants, leading the workshops (optionally) and even assisting in newsletter preparation. The volunteers were active participants in the Association and help edin the activities and projects that are developed on the diferent fields. They had a chance to participate in manifold tasks and can also lend a helping hand in the organization itself, where the tasks were depending on their interests and abilities. The volunteers took part in the organization of the various cultural events and youth activities that we offer and were partially in charge of them. The volunteers also worked with youngsters, developing activities for and with them.

Účasť na projekte

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

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