We Are All Equal

Mládežnícka výmena We Are All Equal vo Wisla, Poľsko
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Dátum konania
06/12/2016 - 14/12/2016

Miesta konania
Wisla, Poľsko

Typ projektu:

V dňoch 6 – 14 decembra sa v poľskom mestečku Wisla konala výmena “We Are All Equal”.
„Všetko na projekte bolo super. Stretla sa tam dosť dobrá skupina ľudí, celý projekt bol naplánovaný veľmi dobre. Mateusz a Ola boli perfektní. Môžem povedať, že to bol môj doteraz najlepší projekt. Naučili sme sa veľa o rôznych vierovyznaniach. Musím sa priznať, mal som trošku obavy pred projektom, ako budú vyzerať tie workshopy 😀 ale na projekte nás pomiešali a pracovali sme takmer všetci v skupinách náboženstiev, o ktorých sme nemali ani poňatia, preto sme mali dostatok času sa na workshop pripraviť. Náš cultural evening sa im páčil, hneď sa všetko zjedlo 😀Slovenská skupina bola zostavená super, niektorí sme si veľmi podobní, tak sme si to tam užili, bolo kopec srandy a smiechu. Chcel by som Ti teda veľmi pekne poďakovať za vybavenie všetkého a aj za zvolenie za leadera :)“ Jozef

Zhrnutie o čom bola mládežnícka výmena:

From 6th to 14th of December 2016 we took part in implemented in Wisla (Poland) international project, funded by the Erasmus + Programme – “We are all equal”. The main organizer of the project was Association “Porozumienie Pokolen”. It was a youth exchange, which was attended by young poeple from Poland, Romania, Turkey and Slovakia. The aim of the project was to gain new knowledge, attitudes and competencies in four different religions: Catholicism, Islam, Orthodoxy and Judaism. Participants of the project raised such a difficult subject, which is religious discrimination, aggression and violence against representatives of various religions, as well as the importance of respecting human rights and being aware and young citizen. Participants, and also representatives of four different religions, have established a common intercultural and interreligious dialogue. All activities were based on non-formal education tools, such as workshops, integration games, discussions, living library, meetings with local community and national evenings. Participants could integrate with each other, get to know each other better and gain new knowledge about their cultures. During the project, participants organized a living library at the high school in Dabrowa Gornicza. It was such a great opportunity to ask questions to all representatives of different religions. Young people from local community could learn something new about our religions and cultures and break typical stereotypes. Nine-day youth exchange was a successful experience and amazing opportunity to make new, international friendships, gain new knowledge and expand horizons.

Projekt bol podporený z programu Erasmus+ a hosťovaný organizáciou Porozumienie Pokoleń.