Dátum konania
27/10/2018 - 03/11/2018
Miesta konania
Brežice, Slovenia
Typ projektu:
feedback od jednej z účastníčok:
“Mala som tú príležitosť sa zúčastniť mládežníckej výmeny v Slovinsku, Brežiciach s témou What drives you(th) crazy ? za ktorú som veľmi vďačná. Počas tejto výmeny som si nielen našla mnoho kamarátov z rôznych krajín (s ktorými som ešte stále v kontakte) taktiež som sa dozvedela a naučila nemálo vecí. Príkladom by mohli byť relaxačné techniky a taktiež rôzne spôsoby odbúravania stresu alebo spôsoby riešenia konfliktov ktoré určite využijem aj po výmene. Každý deň sme mali o program postarané a určite som nemala čas sa nudiť. Od hier na zoznamovanie k vytváraniu flipchartov a ďalšej kope aktivít. Dozvedela som sa aj zaujímavosti o iných krajinách ktoré sa taktiež zúčastnili výmeny. Samozrejme nesmiem zabudnúť na fakt že som si počas celej výmeny zlepšovala angličtinu keďže týmto jazykom sme sa všetci dorozumievali. Z celého týždňa som si domov priniesla novú skúsenosť s kopou zážitkov. “
Zhrnutie o čom mládežnícka výmena bola:
Mental health in young people is an important factor of being able to cope with challenges and changes through their later adult life. That is why quick responses to the environment are crucial. This can lead to the life of stress and anxiety, which can be resolved in a healthy or unhealthy way. More and more young people are used to resolving psychological challenges through different activities that can result in some type of addiction (chemical: alcohol, tobacco; psychological: dependency on digital media). Youth organizations are a place where involved young people spend a lot of their time. From our experience, most of those organizations do not address their members’ mental health in any way.
There are many different types of activities, which youth organizations can use to maintain strong mental health of their members and show them how to implement these activities in their everyday life. With this international exchange, we want to share our experiences and help partner youth organizations to find the best way, how they can make implement good practice in maintaining high levels of good mental health during working with young people and affect their members’ lifestyles in a good way.
– finding the state of mental health in different countries through international dialogue,
– finding out why is mental health important for young people through interactive workshops
– to raise awareness among participants how they can address their mental health and help them implementing it in their lifestyle,
– to define the guidelines that participants can share among the young people in their local community
The program was set in a way that both people without knowledge and people with previous experience were able to cooperate. We got to know the theme of mental health in connection to young people better, participants were also invited to share their knowledge and opinion. Further we also discussed what is the state in our countries and organisations and with all that combined knowledge we shaped guidelines that will contribute to better mental health of individuals in youth organisations and in general. We also had time to discuss what needs to be done on a higher level, we hosted a round table with relevant stakeholders. We used various methods of youth work, and of course also had some fun informal program so the participants also had an opportunity to get to know each other better and enjoy themselves.
Mládežnícka výmena bola určená mladým ľuďom vo veku 15-25 rokov (líder skupiny 18-30 rokov). Účastníci boli z Estónska , Českej republiky , Portugalska , Turecka , Maďarska , Španielska , Poľska , Slovinska a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny bolo po 5 účastníkov