Young People for Legality In Europe

Young People for Legality In Europe / corleone
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Dátum konania
13/05/2018 - 18/05/2018

Miesta konania
Corleone, Italy

Typ projektu:

feedback od jednej z účastníčok:

Projekt bol jednoducho úžasný…!  Síce na začiatku sme mali mierne obavy, keďže aspoň pre mna aj pre mnohých iných to bola prvá takato skúsenosť v živote, o to viac som bola potom príjemne prekvapená ako to celé dopadlo. Dozvedeli sme sa množstvo informácií o mafii o tom ako je mafia vnímaná dnes z pohladu mladých ľudí, o organizácii ktorá bojuje proti mafii a úplatkom. Bol to skvelý zážitok vidieť autentické Taliansko- Sicíliu – Corleone. Jazyk síce bol menší problém ale myslím si že sa to vykompenzovalo tým ako sa o nás postarali, čo všetko nám povedali o danej problematike a ukázali nám že sa nemusíme báť bývať v meste kde slovo mafia je stále aktuálna téma.

Pre mna to bol veľmi silný zážitok keď nám začali rozprávať o deťoch ktoré zabíjali len kvôli mafii. Ľudia priamo z Corleone nám rozprávali ich príbehy a mali sme možnosť byt ako by priamo v deji priamo na mieste kde sa to všetko odohrávalo, dokonca aj miesto kde sme bývali bolo prebraté od mafie takze sme na vlastnej kozi zažili autentickosť miesta a celého projektu. Zároveň to však bol projekt ktorý má naučil vidieť svet inými očami a dal mi možnosť spoznať úžasných ľudí ochutnať najlepšiu Taliansku- sicilsku kuchyňu a vidieť krásny Ostrova Sicilia.

Takze ešte raz ďakujem za tuto možnosť a za všetko pretože zážitky nám ostanú navždy!

Michaela Petrovičová

Zhrnutie o čom projekt bol:

The issue of the defense of legality is increasingly important in Europe, both within the civil society and the institutions. To affirm the value of legality means – first of all – fighting against corruption and organized crime, as problems that affect strongly the community life, compromising its future.

On the other hand, the struggle for legality is a form of citizenship education, for the promotion and teaching of the common values of freedom, dignity, human rights, justice. Educational content that should be central in youth education.

This important and difficult educational objective requires a great methodological attention and a great creativity on the part of the different actors involved in this educational challenge.

The aim of this project is specifically to realize a youth exchange activity, which will be focused on two themes:

-the struggle for justice and legality, as an essential issue in the youth education, crucial for the future of Europe;

– the communities’ narration methods, as tools to involve young people in the education to legality.

In the framework of education to legality, we decided to focus on communities’ narration methods, as they are innovative approaches able to actively involve young people and create a significant impact on the social fabric. Indeed, through the community narratives it’s possible to enhance the stories and the values of those who fight for legality on the frontline, as well as the stories of ordinary citizens who daily choose not to pander to illegality, trying to affirm the values of common good. Telling these experiences, especially through creative media methods, effective from a communicative point of view, means the possibility to reach the hearts and the minds of many citizens, and above all makes these narratives interesting for young people, thanks to a language close to their communicative code.

The idea of this project was born in Corleone, Sicily, a symbolic and emblematic place for the struggle for legality; a place where, since 20 years, citizens have started to speak about their town, to affirm values which are different from those “told” by the criminality.