Dátum konania
22/02/2022 - 28/02/2022
Miesta konania
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Typ projektu:
Viac informácií o čom bol projekt:
The Youth Entrepreneurial Competence Matrix (YECM) was a young social entrepreneurship development programme, which aimed to develop entrepreneurial competences of future Social Change-Makers through boosting their personal, professional and socio-economical development but also, to reduce youth unemployment and raise the quality of their life.
The AIM was:
• Entrepreneurship youth exchange
• Youth-led wing of the RESOLVE Network
• Develop participants skills and an entrepreneurial mindset
▪ Social Entrepreneur Skills
▪ Problem solving skills
▪ Critical thinking & Leadership skills
▪ Inter-cultural and creative communication skills
Účastníci boli z Veľkej Británie , Bosny a Hercegoviny , Azerbajdžanu , Gruzínska , Turecka a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny bolo po 5 účastníkov.