Dátum konania
07/09/2017 - 10/09/2017
Miesta konania
Berango, Spain
Typ projektu:
Článok z tréningu tu: https://www.adelslovakia.org/en/participants/excellent-food-pyrenean-temperament-and-associated-typical-music-welcome-to-spain
Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:
The project Youth IN-Work was aimed at join youth workers from different countries to analyse how to answer effectively and creatively to the contemporary needs of young people. Our proposal was joining ideas and experiences to promote youth inclusion, participation, welfare and employment.
Objectives of TC:
- Improving youth workers’ skills and abilities;
- Increasing youth workers’ opportunities for meeting and create international cooperation;
- Improving youth work through the exchange of good practices;
- Innovate youth services according with current social challenges;
- Developing the international dimension in working with young people and increase the mobility’s opportunities for young people
Main activities:
- Presentation of the main project and good practices of partners’ organisations
- Sharing of a diagnostic of the youth reality in partners contexts (needs, interests, opportunities and challenges of youth people)
- Practical exercise of Action – Research
- Workshop on creative thinking in project design
- Creation of a common model of work with young people (detection of common principle)
- Discussion of common guidelines for innovation in youth work
- Planning of cooperation projects between partner organisations
Na tréningu boli účastníci z Estónska , Bulharska , Chorvátska , Rumunska , Litvy , Talianska , Ukrajiny , Francúzska , Grécka , Turecka a Slovenska .
Účasť na projekte
If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:
Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.