Youth, learn to say no!

Youth, learn to say no!
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Dátum konania
11/12/2017 - 16/12/2017

Miesta konania
Madrid, Spain

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It was a 5-day training, which main objective was the AWARENESS of the need to eradicate the practice of female genital mutilation (FGM), the promotion of the HUMAN RIGHTS OF WOMEN and their EMPOWERMENT. 16 organizations from different countries participated with an amount of 19 youth workers to contribute to change social conceptions about these ancestral practices and promote the unity of all the women to protect their rights

Účastníci boli z Alžírska Algeria, Líbye Libya, Chorvátska Croatia, Portugalska Portugal, Bulharska Bulgaria, Egyptu Egypt, Francúzska France, Jordánska Algeria, Veľkej Británie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , Tunisu Tunisia, Maroka Morocco, Talianska  Italy, Slovenska Slovakia a Turecka Turkey.

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