Youth Participation and Inclusion

Mládežnícka výmena v Puente Genil
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Dátum konania
09/07/2018 - 18/07/2018

Miesta konania
Puente Genil, Spain

Typ projektu:

O čom mládežnícka výmena bola?

“Youth participation & inclusion” was a youth exchange which main topics were European citizenship, inclusion and active participation in society. The purpose of this exchange was to get an active participation of young people with fewer opportunities, as well as to create an intercultural dialogue breaking stereotypes and promoting intercultural cooperation.

The main objectives of this project were:

  • To achieve the inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities through their active participation
  • Promote an active participation in the short, medium and long term of these young people with fewer opportunities
  • Fostering social values among young people
  • Improving skills at different levels of young people with fewer opportunities facilitating their insertion into democratic life and the labor market

Účastníci boli zo Španielska Spain, Poľska Poland, Francúzska France, Estónska Estonia, Rumunska Romania a Slovenska Slovakia.