Dátum konania
01/11/2019 - 11/03/2020
Miesta konania
Athens, Greece
Typ projektu:
Helena sa zúčastnila dobrovoľníckeho pobytu (ESC) v Aténach po dobu 5 mesiacov, počas ktorých pripravovala podujatia zamerané na spoznávanie nových kultúr, životné prostredie či učenie sa jazykov
Viac informácií:
NGO KEAN – Cell of Alternative Youth Activities gave the opportunity to 4 young people between the ages of 18 and 30, from Cyprus, Italy, Spain and Slovakia to travel to Athens-Greece and experience what is really like to volunteer abroad, through the European Solidarity Corps Volunteering Project entitled “Youth4Youth” (Y4Y).
The project “Youth4Youth” is a Volunteering project that took place in the city of Athens in Greece and lasted 5 months.
The main topics addressed by the activity are cultural diversity and exchange as well as intercultural dialogue, environmental awareness, quality use of youth free time and volunteering. During the activity, the volunteers contributed with their ideas, knowledge and skills to the implementation of qualitative activities for local youngsters in need of empowerment. They engaged in diverse activities for young people such as language exchanges, cultural tandems, art labs, music workshops, environmental laboratories, coding lessons and more.
The participants-volunteers of the project “Youth4Youth” undertook the following tasks during their volunteering activity:
- Preparing the sessions of the “Youth Center” (language exchanges, cultural tandems, art labs, music workshops, environmental laboratories, coding lessons, etc.). Designing an accurate plan, preparing needed materials and logistics.
- Implementing and supporting the activities of the “Youth Center” (Reception of beneficiaries, registration, preparation of space and logistics equipment, implementation of the undertaken activities)
- Implementing dissemination & visibility activities to promote the “Youth Center” and the services offered and dissemination of results.
- Searching for new volunteers for the support of the “Youth Center” activities (e-mails, announcements, phone communication).
- Organising and conducting meetings with other organisations, institutions and groups, for the networking and support of the “Youth Center”.
- Organising and attending coordination meetings with old and new volunteers, involved in the “Youth Center”, evaluating the provided services and planning new ones.
- Implementing care and maintenance activities of the space of the “Youth Center”.
- Being actively involved – participation and support – in the operation of “The Volunteer Network”.