Follow up for Creative Crossroads
Category:Príbehy účastníkovCreative Crossroads was a project who wanted to learn how to approach life challenges creatively. The project involved diverse artistic practices such as dance, theatre, crafting, painting, and music as primary tools for experiential learning and personal growth. The goals were to nurture personal growth and shared learning through expressive arts.
Participant Janka did also a follow up activity among her community and here is how it went.
As an energizer we practised partner yoga and I called it “circle“ energizer – we did it also in Ommen. One person is main one and has to focus on three other people. One of them asks math questions, another asks personal questions, and the third shows movements. The main one must simultaneously answer the questions and also mirror the movements.
Workshop: Our workshop was focused on affirmations and peace of mind. The task was to draw a place or write an affirmation on the canvas. The girls used their favorite colors. They worked without music and just talked or laughed. I didn’t want the music to distract them while they were working. It is important to learn to sit or do things even in silence. And so it was. Towards the end, they understood the magic of silence and they were completely relaxed.
The girls materialized 3 affirmations and a place. It has its own deep meaning for each. Everyday they can now look at their beutiful work.