Date(s) - 01/02/2017 - 01/02/2019
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IMAPPY – A Strengthened Network and An Integration Map for Refugees
Strategic partnership: Turkey, Greece, Lithuania, Italy and Slovakia
Project start: 1. February 2017
Project duration: 24 months
Project website: IMAPPY
IMAPPY is an integration map especially for young refugees living in Europe. Project is designed to reach young refugees who don’t have access to social and basic information about the asylum country or has no parents or families and provide them information and support. Our idea is to establish a platform to serve as Refugee Information Center by working with Youthwork Organizations/NGOs. IMAPPY will pin Youthwork organizations that shall provide social and basic information to young refugees as well as able to provide popular language lessons to the young refugees for overcoming the language barrier that will better enable their inclusion in the labor market. A brief description of that organization including the languages that NGO spoke will be provided on the map. Those NGOs will provide young refugee information about employment in asylum country, survival kits, training opportunities aiming to gain competences and be proactive in building a sustainable European society.
Our project addresses the challenges and aim at enhancing the active citizenship and empowerment of the young refugees, supporting the development of competences of NGOs working with young refugees, and strengthening the organisational capacity and overall professionalization of the structures through enhancing the coordination and unity of the NGOs dealing with refugees. The goal of this project is to provide a descriptive and critical analysis of the collection and coordination of information regarding situational issues and refugee needs among the NGO communities working in Europe.
From language learning to the recognition of qualifications, education is a part of the solution throughout the inclusion process. IMAPPY will pin NGOs which have engaged with and support minority groups and migrant workers into employment through job shadowing, work placement, employer engagement and employability skills development. Therefore our ultimate aim is to overcome multiple barriers/problems faced by this group, aiming to restore young people’s dignity and strengthen their psychological wellbeing; and ease their inclusion to the society; especially for those who has no chance to enroll to formal education.
In addition to that IMAPPY will pin the NGOs providing LANGUAGE learning and adult learning for migrants and refugees since language is an important barrier to the refugees’ entry into the labor market as well as their access to education.
It will be one multilingual application for smart phones and for online tools, integrating information (pins of the organisations) in all partner countries.
During the Project, NGOs working in the field of refugees and partner’s youth workers will develop and transfer innovative practices at European level targeting refugees. Hence we think that this Project should be carried out transitionally in order to allow organisations to develop and reinforce networks, increase their capacity to operate at transnational level, share and confront ideas, practices and methods in the field of refugees. Target group of the project is the refugees living in Europe as well refugees in other partner countries.
The international training activities, will be for the process of development of the application and also we could use the opportunity of international mobility to build the capacity of partner’s youth workers towards better inclusion of refugees in their activities, as well as to exchange of good practices on how organisations work on refugee inclusion in different countries. This cooperation will promote better integration of refuges within Europe.This Strategic Partnership has the following aims and objectives:
- Strengthen the European and international dimension of adaptation of refugees through NGOs
- Raise capacities of NGOs working with refugees by fostering cooperation, networking and exchanges of practices in the field of youth
- Developing an integration map especially for young refugees living in Europe to reach young refugees who don’t have access to social and basic information about the asylum country or has no parents or families and provide them information and support
Project partners have been chosen according to their expertise and experience to attain those aims and objectives.
1st Stage (6 months) / Survey – Evaluation and Expectations:
A program including discussions and a workshop will be carried out based on the expertise and information shared by the foreign partners. In this period, the groundwork of the next stages is prepared and project’s framework is built. This stage involves 3 transnational meetings and a workshop. Transnational meetings will start with kick off meeting in IGAM, Ankara / Turkey. Other transnational meetings will take place in Italian and Greek partners’ countries with participation of all partners. At the beginning of the project, it is important to look deeper into the foreign partners’ experiences and knowledge in terms of inclusion, integration, empowerment and education. This experience and information needs to be adapted for partners’ conditions as an essential element for the project’s success.
2nd Stage (9 months) / Developing the Application IMAPPY:
During the following 9 months, Terra will lead the development the application by considering the whole findings, observations, needs, expectations, technical aspects etc. determined during the 1st Stage of the project. All partners will contribute for the development of the application by their expertise and experience. There will be a workshop in Ankara / Turkey (İGAM) at the 6th month of this stage in order to get the feedbacks of the NGOs on the usage, format, content, interface etc. of the application. By considering these feedbacks, the application will be finalized in the remaining 3 months of this stage.
3rd Stage (6 months) / Training of NGOs and Multiplier Events:
After finalization of the application IMAPPY, training programs will be organized for NGOs from Turkey, Lithuania, Greece, Italy and Slovakia in order to have a good understanding of the application, not only in terms of technical points but also the logic and approach behind this application. For each training program, at least 1 young refugee from each partner will participate since one of our main approaches is the contribution of young refugees to the project in every step. Therefore, these young refugees would internalize the project main concept and be active for the sustainablity of the project after completion.
Multiplier events will be organized in Turkey in each camp (if it is allowed to organize such events in the camps) or in the cities where the camps are located, 1 or 2 times depending on the population of the refugees. These events will aim to explain the application IMAPPY to the young refugees; how to use it and how to contact with the NGOs by using this application. Besides, with these events, young refugees will be informed about the possibilities and opportunities which they can benefit through NGOs.
4rd Stage (3 months) / Closing Workshop and Final Report:
The project will further build capacity and awareness raising by a closing workshop. The workshop is aimed to be held in TURKEY aiming to attract the attention of society on the opportunities and possibilities for young refugees provided especially by NGOs in Turkey.
Intelectual outputs of the project:
1. Website IMAPPY (O1)
2. Development of application IMAPPY (O2)
IMAPPY is an integration map specifically aimed at reaching young refugees who do not have access to social and basic information about their host country or who have no parents or families. iMAPPY marks organisation working with young people that will provide social and basic information to young asylum seekers and refugees and even provide them with language courses. The ultimate goal of the application is to help young asylum seekers and refugees overcome many problems and limitations that they face in their host countries.
Downlaod iOS App store Google store
3. The iMAPPY guide for NGO (O3)
Download here the final version
This guide aims to support the capacity building process of NGOs supporting the integration of young refugees in their host communities.
The objectives of the guide:
- Raise awareness of the role of NGOs in the refugee integration process;
- Provide tools and guidance for improvement of activities and services of NGOs supporting a more effective refugee integration process;
Who is it for?
This guide is meant for the managers, staff, volunteers and members of non-governmental organisations active in the integration process of young refugees:
- The organisations working exceptionally in the field of refugee integration;
- The organisations to which working in the field of refugee integration is a part of their regular activities.
The guide will be useful for those organisations willing to assess their policies and practices and strengthen their capacity in the process of refugee integration.
The guide can also be useful for the NGOs which are still not active but want to extend their field of work and start activities supporting refugee integration as well as engaging them more successfully in their regular activities.
4. Final report (O4)
Prepared by Greek partner base on inputs from each partner of the consortium
5. Survival kit (O5)
Draft version of english/slovak language in available to download below:
1 Imappy Survival kit – information provision 1
2. Imappy Survival kit – information provision 2
3. Basic communication, words and expressions
Transnational meetings started with kick off meeting in IGAM, Ankara (Turkey). Other transnational meetings took place in Italian and Greek partners’ countries with participation of all partners.
C1 workshop in Ankara
C4 workshop in Kaunas
Fourth C4 workshop in Kaunas hosted by Global Citizens‘ Academy (GCA). Project manager and social worker from Nitra besed NGO Pokoj a Dobro participated and consulated praparation of IMAPPY Guige for NGO – Towards a successful integration of young refugees.
C5 workshop in Athens
C6 final conference in Ankara
Final conference was held in TOBB University of Economics and Technology. During the conference all intellectual outputs were presented by leading partners.