United against (youth) precarity

United against (youth) precarity - Strunjan
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Date(s) - 12/03/2018 - 15/03/2018
All day

Strunjan, Slovenia

Project type

Selected participants

  • Guest User

Summary what was project about: 

The programme of the meeting included presentation of precarity, and youth precarity in particular, situation in each of the participating countries, lectures on precarity prepared by the members of Movement for Decent Work and Welfare Society and invited experts, roundtables, brainstorming sessions, and debates. One of our main intentions, apart from connecting like-minded organizations was establishment of an international on-line platform, which would provide general, legal, and practical information about precarity situation in the participating countries. The platform is meant for use of precarious workers, experts and researches, public bodies and NGOs, general public, etc.

Particularly, we aim that one of its main functions will be to raise awareness about precarity and the precariat, while providing useful information for precarious workers, such as data about the labour rights and work conditions in each country and a list of relevant organizations, where individuals may seek assistance in case of any possible problems regarding precarity. We intend that the platform will attract attention and interest of other potential partner organizations that might be interested to join it in the future. The preparatory stage of the platform creation (i.e. collection of information) was done during the meeting, while the exact launch of the platform is planned on the last months of the project.

Participation in the project

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

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