From Youth Exchange in Costa Rica
Category:Stories of participantsSelection of the testimonials from participants of our Youth Exchange that we recently organized in Costa Rica!
„Uruguayan team had an amazing time over Costa Rica! Not only because we had the chance to improve our communication skills some how, and got to meet beautiful and interesting people, but because we had the chance to push ourselves out of our “safe zone” and tackle many barriers (language, self confidence, culture differences). For some participants, of our group, it was the first time going out the country, we are thankful that their experience was pleasant and a motivation to keep on looking for future projects to be part of and to continue to grow up and make our communities improve. Thanks again for the joyful time we shared ♥“ ??
„It was an unique learning experience and a great opportunity for me to learn a lot about leadership, travel to Latin America and to meet new people from different sides of the world. In my opinion, the diversity was the sparkle that made this exchange special, unforgettable.
Each day, was different from the previous one, each day was better. The sessions were really productive and interactive, we were learning while having a fun. Also, a big attention was pointed on the cultural aspect, so we had an opportunity to share our, but also to learn about the other cultures, try typical Costa Rican food and explore a little bit the country….I felt like I left a part of my heart there, next to the ocean but I left Costa Rica with an amazing memories that we created with even more amazing people, and super motivated to work on the realization of my action plan. I didn’t said ,,goodbye” to the people and to the country, just ,,see you soon” . Sofija fom Macedonia ??
In the seminar I was able to learn new things, I acquired many experiences, I met a new world that had not had the opportunity before. I went to this seminar with thousands of expectations and each one of them was fulfilled, maybe some more than others, but everything was more than good, I could learn about topics that I didn’t question before and practice my English much more. I was with wonderful people, with whom I became very fond of and the moment of the farewell was very strong… Carla from Costa Rica ??
We had the opportunity to discuss leadership in various areas such as volunteering, environment, sports and community. We also had discussions about of the characteristics of a good leader and development of his leadership skills. We had to identify problems in their city and then to choose one of the problems identified and to present effective and tangible action plans to solve it. So each participant had the task of presenting their action plan in less than a minute and trying to convince investors to apply money to their project. About the interpersonal experience gained, they exceeded expectations and improved the ways of communication already known, bringing us new friends and new cultures that make us understand the world plurality beyond the needs of each other. Brazilian team ??
The experience in Costa Rica it has been useful to interact with cultures completely different than mine, there I’ve improved my skills in English language, how to do a speech in public and I’ve shared pretty ideas and moments with amazing people. Daniele from Italy….This project was useful to compare the different ideas of the participants. new skills have been explained that I will put into practice in my life. knowing new people allowed me to “open my mind” for new experiences. Ugo from Italy ??