How was in Bulgaria?
Category:Stories of participantsTraining “Together towards better employability” was held from 10 to 18 October in Stara Zagora in Bulgaria. The training was attended by 35 people from all over the world (Italy, Spain, Poland, Romania, Denmark, Macedonia, Greece, Croatia …).
These 8 days left in me only strong and positive feelings, which I will remember whole my life. You would not believe how in such a short time can create strong friendships among people. My expectations were fullfilled for 110%. The project was conducted in relaxed and friendly atmosphere. It was a week full of fun, a lot of new experiences and people who I will never forget. But besides fun, we were also working…
How was our day? From 8 a.m.to 9 a.m.was breakfast. The official program started at 9:30 a.m. and was held until 6:30 p.m. Before we started, every day someone prepared “energizer” in order to warm our body and mind up. Energizer was followed by a short lecture, discussion and different tasks in groups. We had lunch from 1p.m. to 3 p.m and after lunch continued with some workshops. From 6 p.m. till 6:30 p.m. we had “comfy groups” where we shared experiences which we get during the day or we could say what was wrong/what to change etc.
After dinner we had various games or we ran out somewhere for a beer. Also can not forget to mention intercultural evening where each country presented their local specialties such as food, alcohol and sweets. Part of the training was also to create our own project. On last day, there was a short lecture on Erasmus + and awarding of certificates.
And as it happens, everything has to end. Farewall was really difficult. Probably the most emotional part of whole training was the moment (and I think I was not the only one impressed) was building “network of friendships”. We made a big circle and hold clew in our hands. We should give a clew to a person who was the closest one for us and to say something. Step by step, we created strong network of friendships.
Finally, I would like to thank the organizers who have prepared for us really great program, and in particular ADEL, for the opportunity to participate in this training and I hope to see you soon. THANK YOU!
Lucia Scensna, participant of the training course