We are ambassadors for the European Parliament elections
Category:Stories of participantsDo you know how important the function of the European Parliament is for us? It affects our lives much more than you think, which is why we decided to take part in a project organised by ADEL Slovakia as two high school girls.
We are in our final year and we are studying civics, the topics of which, political science and law, really appealed to us. We decided to take part in a competition to become ambassadors for the European elections, organised by ADEL Slovakia through its social media. In the past, we have completed a simulation of the European Parliament in French and this was our motivation to push ourselves further in this international field of political science. The dream became a reality and we became ambassadors. We received an ambassadorial package, which made us very happy. We were given the task of creating seminars for the students of our school. In addition to educating and selling information (which, among other things, enriched us), the aim was to create a list of ten recommendations that could increase the low participation of the Slovak Republic in the Euro elections. The students were very creative and through discussion we discussed together various topics related to the European Parliament that can contribute significantly to greater awareness and thus participation in the upcoming elections this June. We produced a short video from the seminars which captures the highlights of our discussions. It was a step out of our comfort zone. However, preparing an interesting seminar for a lot of students we don’t even know personally has enriched us in both the rhetorical and creative areas.
However, our story does not end with these events. After the seminars, we were given the opportunity to visit the European Parliament office in Bratislava. Upon arrival in Bratislava, we met with other ambassadors and together we headed to the European Parliament office. There we were met by very friendly representatives of the office. We had the opportunity to tell them about our events at the school and they in turn gave us valuable information both about the European Parliament and how to take our activities one step further. We learnt about programmes spreading awareness about the European Union elections such as spolocne.eu and were given the opportunity to get involved, which of course we took advantage of. We took away a lot of new knowledge, contacts and a good feeling from a successful day. We didn’t leave without stickers either. The pleasant conversation lasted about 2 hours and after that we moved with the rest of the ambassadors to the restaurant where we finished this exciting day together.
This experience was a tremendous opportunity for us to get to know people who are highly knowledgeable in the sphere we are interested in and who can provide us with assistance in carrying out other programmes related to the European Union. We have gained valuable knowledge and have become even more determined to spread the idea of elections further. A big thank you to Adele for allowing us to become ambassadors for the elections and thanks to this we have met many new people, taken a step further in our careers and had a pleasant experience that we will remember for a long time to come.
Simi and Viki
Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.