Dátum konania
03/07/2022 - 11/07/2022
Miesta konania
Naples, Italy
Typ projektu:
Veľmi kreatívna mládežnícka výmena, kde sa budete venovať aktivitám ako graffiti, break-dance, djing a Mc/rappin a vytvoríte spoločne hip-hop jam.
More info about the project:
The association “TCK Movement” has been founded on 2019 with the aim of creating a wide range of socially useful activities in the territory for the benefit of associated members or third parties, without profit.
However, before establishing itself as an association, TCK was born as CREW in 1997, and since then it has been dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of Hip-Hop culture, consolidating itself as a reference group for the urban culture of Naples.
The youth exchange U.A.N.M – Urban Arts Narrows Marginalisation was an Erasmus + project and it aimed to bring young people together with the passion for the Urban/ Street Arts and to discuss on topics and issues such as the marginalisation of youth from disadvantaged areas, steretotypes and intolerance. The participants had the opportunity to be more aware about what are the Street Arts through activities where they explored the history of the Urban arts. During the workshop the participants practiced disciplines such as Graffiti, Break-Dance, Djing, and Mc/rappin in order to organise a final event (hip-hop jam) the last day of the exchange.
Participants were from Croatia , Italy
, Portugal
, Lithuania
, and Slovakia
. There were 5 participants from each country.