Blissful Business

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Dátum konania
22/05/2017 - 29/05/2017

Miesta konania
Santa Cruz – Torres Vedras, Portugal

Typ projektu:

“Tréning v Portugalsku bol pre mňa veľmi obohacujúci. Téma sociálne podnikanie a celkovo podnikanie je v súčastnosti pre mladých novinkou a práve preto to vnímam ako krok vpred pre mnohých z nás 🙂 Portugalsko je naozaj krásna krajina plná hudby, dobrého jedla (zväčša rýb) a špecifickej kultúry. Kto by sa ale hlásil na tréning len kvôli lokalite, asi by odpočítaval dni. Každý deň sme sa držali rozvrhu a naozaj riešili problémy, dávali dokopy nápady, zdieľali svoje sny, kto a čo by mohol robiť v dnešnom svete a ako z toho vyťažiť nie len zisk ale tiež pomôcť druhým. Dozvedela som sa možnosti financovania podnikateľských nápadov a tiež možnosť rozvoja. Ďakujem ADEL že mi umožnila nie len spoznať skvelých priateľov, ale tiež naučiť sa viac o téme, ktorá ma zaujíma a v ktorej sa chcem v budúcnosti angažovať 🙂 ( Okrem workshopov sme tiež navštívili mesto Sintra a Torres Vedras- kde nám ukázali ako tam funguje sociálne podnikanie a o čo sa mladí ľudia snažia- o akú zmenu, tiež sme čistili pláž s dievčatami, ktoré rozbehli vlastné sociálne podnikanie ,, Straw patrol,, a vyzbierali sme za 1 hodinu až 8,7 kg odpadu)” Natália

Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:

Social entrepreneurship has started to gain a momentum more recently. By means of increasing the scope of social entrepreneurship in a natural way (primarily through the education of social entrepreneurship) we aim to familiarise youth workers with the new trend called ‘social entrepreneurship’. We expect the youth workers will be able to assimilate the appropriate skills and tools which could potentially lead to the concrete education of the young people, on the fields associated with a construction of a sustainable social enterprise.

Blissful Business project aimed at the education of the next generation of entrepreneurs, who are concerned with the sociological ramifications of entrepreneurship. This target will be accomplished successfully through the production of skilled and influential multipliers, such as civil society organisations and youth workers, who will eventually be fully-educated to educate and therefore to exploit the materials delivered by Blissful Business project. This goal was achieved with the integration of a set of well-designed non-formal methods, ICT tools and educational material into the normal activities of the organisations referred to above. The potential social entrepreneurs were trained to maximise their skills, thus identifying those challenges of our times which might enable them to develop solutions and models for sustainable social organisations.

The main objectives of the project were:

– To familiarise with the new trend called ‘social entrepreneurship’;

– To acquire the appropriate skills which would enable the youth workers in order to support young people to build social enterprises that address the challenges of our time;

– To promote, within specific well-designed practices, the development of innovative ideas concerning sociological fields;

– To share national resources and inform about European ones (social entrepreneurship education and learning, access to different types of funding, partnerships, networks etc.) useful for social enterprise creation and sustainability;

– To share practical non-formal educational methods that motivate, and therefore engage young people with activities related to social entrepreneurship;

– To create strong partnerships, capable to develop future projects concerning social entrepreneurship.

Na tréningu boli účastníci z Bulharska Bulgaria, Chorvátska Croatia, Cypru Cyprus, Grécka Greece, Talianska Italy, Litvy Lithuania, Poľska Poland, Rumunska Romania,  Slovenska Slovakia, Slovinska Slovenia, a Španielska Spain.

Účasť na projekte

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.