Follow Through

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Dátum konania
20/06/2017 - 29/06/2017

Miesta konania
Skoulikaria, Greece

Typ projektu:

Ako bolo?

Andrej: Perfektne az luto ze sme museli odist 

Frederika: “Super! Skvelý tím, skvelí ľudia, jedlo, miesto. Nové veci sme sa naučili, spoznali sme ako čo funguje v iných krajinách. Zaujímavý projekt to bol 🙂 presne ako Andrej píše, az nám bolo ľúto odísť.!

Zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:

FOLLOW THROUGH was a training course which aimed to promote participatory democracy through community building and civic initiative. Training course was held in Epirus region, village of Skoulikaria of the municipality Georgios Karaiskakis. It involved 34 youth leaders, youth workers, trainers, project managers from 10 European countries.

The project wanted to address continuous problematization about the future of participatory democracy in Europe and the role of youth in shaping it. It sets off from the observed inconsistency between the international reputation of EU countries with regards to the quality of democratic institutions (Democracy Index, 2016) and their apparent incapacity to uphold the values that have made these institutions effective and popular in the first place (more recently manifested in the face of the economic and refugee crises). Ongoing challenges such as recession, unemployment, extremism and xenophobia are seen as by-products of Europe’s derailment from its constitutional values. Those challenges cannot be sustainably addressed by mere compliance with rules imposed from the top-down but necessarily through the demand of citizens for fairer, more inclusive and democratic, societies. The aim of this TC was to enhance the role of youth work in fostering local level solutions to European challenges of democracy and collective action.

FOLLOW THROUGH TC used diverse non-formal learning tools including experiential learning, cooperative learning, peer learning, and outdoor activities. Particular emphasis was given to the activity “Adventure in the Woods” which was successfully introduced during Inter Alia’s TC “Game of Challenges” in May 2015. The aim of the “adventure” is to facilitate the creation of a community able to cooperate and act collectively. It foresees that participants will be led to the woods in the rough terrain of Epirus and then, unwarned, will be left alone. For surviving this challenge, they will need to build a community and show leadership skills. Then, they will share their experience as part of a collective learning procedure. Regarding the planning of civic initiatives, participants worked in teams and used the project cycle management method.

FOLLOW THROUGH was designed and developed in order to have an immediate effect on involved communities through the development of partner organizations’ knowhow and to cause a multiple impact on European and international levels through the dynamics of the network.

Na tréningu sa zúčastnilo 34 mladých ľudí z desiatich európskych krajín : Rumunska Romania, Bulharska Bulgaria, Španielska  Spain, Litvy Lithuania, Talianska Italy, Portugalska Portugal, Slovenska Slovakia, Grécka Greece, Veľkej Británie United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland a Turecka Turkey.

Účasť na projekte

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.