Anti-Semitic Urban Games Design

Anti-Semitic Urban Games Design
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Dátum konania
04/11/2019 - 09/11/2019

Miesta konania
Venice, Italy

Typ projektu:

Tréning v Benátkach v dňoch 4. – 9. novembra, počas ktorého sa účastníci  dozvedeli viac o histórii a kultúre Židov, antisemitizme a ako vznikol, vyskúšali a naučili sa ako zorganizovať mestské hry (urban games)

Feedback from one of the participant: 

We learned more about the history and culture of the Jews, anti-Semitism and discrimination, tried and learned how to organize urban games in Dolo and Venice.

We were 2 participants from seven different countries, worked and learnt through the Non-Formal Education how to organize urban games in Dolo and Venice.  Every day  we were divided into groups, made a lot of cooperation activities – more indoor activities and after prepared presentations. The participants were able to discuss the project’s topic, they were part of a network of organizations who want to fight against the exclusion, anti-Semitism and discrimination of Jewish people.

It was a creative process for the contrast of the discriminated ideology and racist. One day we visited the Jewish Ghetto in Venice for explore place where we´ll make Urban Games which we prepared during this training in Dolo. The organizers prepared a guide for us who  analyzed and explained the historical and narrative elements related to the birth of Semitic racism, ethnographic knowledge, and more details about Jewish cultural architecture and the urban spaces of the former Jewish ghetto from Venice. They prepared for us some Urban Games there and when we came to Dolo we spoke about those information. According to this we prepared and presented the resulting project, which will be created by other participants of the next training.

Attending this training  was great way to get new informations and an overview of this topic. We had the opportunity to meet face-to-face with people and lecturers from other countries, to make new contacts and to establish closer cooperation and exchange new knowledge, to learn about diversity  of different cultures.

Alena Smetanova

Oficiálne zhrnutie o čom tréning bol:

According to research conducted by the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights published in 2018 and conducted in 12 member countries, anti-Semitic sentiment is getting worse and hundreds of Jews questioned by official sources said they had suffered an anti-Semitic physical attack, while 28% said they had been harassed. Episodes of racism and anti-Semitic violence threaten the safety of part of the European population, that of Jewish faith, but also compromise the preservation of a historical, cultural, architectural heritage that is an integral part of European history that in the past contributed to the development of important European cities like Amsterdam, Hamburg, Venice.

“Echàd: anti-semitic urban games” aimed to involve a total of 70 young people and youth workers from 7 European organizations for the implementation and application of urban games related to the issue of anti-Semitism. The design and design of the games took narrative cues from the Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, historical cues from the events that took place in Venice following the 1938 racial laws and cultural architecture during the visit to the Jewish museum and the urban spaces of the former Jewish ghetto from Venice.

The Learning Game Design methodology developed by Creativi108 was used. It uses a cogenerative and ideative approach to non-formal education. It takes its clue from the methodology of Design Thinking, but oriented on the reflection of social issues of education to inclusion, dialogue and non-violence.

Thus, the youth workers and youth leaders were able to learn a new methodology, applicable also in other contexts or themes identified by their organizations. Echàd, moreover, brought with it activities that can be replicated in other European cities, especially in a current historical moment, where the rights of equality promoted by the European Community need to be sustained above all by the new generations.

Participants benefit from multiple competences such as: tools for the creation of Urban Games; ability to analyze and understand the historical and narrative elements related to the birth of Semitic racism; greater interreligious awareness; ethnographic ability; acquisition of tools for innovation and self-entrepreneurship; communication and social media.

The expected impact of “Echàd” was to involve the civilian population, sensitize through a social campaign a large number of users at local and European level with respect to the topics covered. Provide replicable non-formal education tools, useful for educating consciences to welcome and respect the diversity of peoples.