Dátum konania
29/06/2019 - 07/07/2019
Miesta konania
Iscar, Spain
Typ projektu:
Mládežnícka výmena o téme bezpečnosti na internete sa konala v meste Iscar v dňoch 29. júna – 7. júla 2019.
feedback od jednej z účastníčok:
“táto výmena, ktorá sa konala v Iscare v Španielsku mi toho dala veľa. Slovenská skupina sme ako partia boli skvelí, rýchlo sme sa skamarátili a zažili sme kopec srandy. Cesta bola v pohode, nemali sme žiadne komplikácie(aj keď letisko v Madride je chaotické, ale nejako sme to zvládli :D)
Čo sa týka ubytovania, zariadenie bolo skvelé, čisté, bola tam klimatizácia a jedlo bolo v pohode, varili celkom dobre, taktiež varili aj pre tých čo sme boli bezlepkoví alebo čo boli vegetariáni atď. Mesto/dedina v ktorom sme boli bola veľmi pekná. Organizátori boli skvelí, lepších sme ani nemohli mať, veľmi sme si ich obľúbili a bola s nimi sranda, dalo sa s nimi super porozprávať. Ohľadom aktivít tak tie sa mne osobne páčili a myslím si, že aj ostatným. Boli pestré a boli neformálne, takže sme sa nenudili ale pritom sa naučili veľa nového. Ľudia z ostatných krajín boli super a každý sa bavil s každým. Naučili sme sa veľa o ostatných krajinách a kultúrach, čo mne osobne dalo veľa. Spoznali sme ako to funguje inde, čo bolo skvelé. Určite odporúčam takúto výmenu zažiť a dúfam, že ešte niekedy cez túto organizáciu niekde pôjdem. 10/10
Ešte posielam zopár fotiek celej skupiny a aj našej Slovenskej skupiny.
Katarína Spišáková
Zhrnutie o čom mládežnícka výmena bola:
Everything we do on Internet leaves marks, a digital trail that we are not always aware of. Many users are surprised when after a search for a flight they begin to receive travel advertising through banners or search engine suggestions, although that is the least invasive part of all.
In fact, every movement we make on Internet, whether direct or indirect, leaves a mark. From the search in a browser, the use of an application, or even the active carrying of the GPS, bluetooth or wifi on a mobile device. We leave data of our life in each publication that we do in social networks. Our geolocation is collected by using certain services, or certain devices (cell phones, tablets or watches). Our tastes and preferences are obtained from our searches on the internet, and from the pages and services we use.Each click is a data, and in this era, the data is the oil that moves the markets: important to determine how a person relates, their comments and even evidence of their cyber crimes. As much as we want to be anonymous on the web, we leave traces. And some more than others, but always something is left behind. Many think that after a certain time, comments, photographs or videos are lost in oblivion. On the other hand, it is not like that; everything we have done on the Internet.
Through this exchange 33 people, from 6 countries such as Spain, Slovakia, The Netherlands, Greece, Romania and Estonia, participated and tried to decipher that is the digital trail. The best way is being aware that there is a fingerprint, and getting down to work, knowing what there is on the internet about us (egosurfing), deleting or requesting the elimination of what we consider no more appropriate (right to forget / cancel data), and avoiding future dangers by configuring the privacy of devices, browsers, applications and social networks that we use; moreover, it could be also possible by limiting the installation of cookies and similar services, blocking the location of the GPS or bluetooth when they are not necessary, avoiding suspicious web pages, being very cautious with every movement that we make in the network can be part of invasive system.
Our Youth Exchange was based on non-formal education. It means that the learning process was based on our experience, our motivation and our needs. During the exchange, non-formal education methods assured a balance between theory and practice: it was used interactive dynamics such as presentations, group works, workshops, games, role plays, exercises, etc…
Mládežnícka výmena bola určená mladým ľuďom vo veku 18 – 30 rokov. Účastníci boli zo Španielska , Estónska , Grécka , Rumunska , Holandska a Slovenska . Z každej krajiny bolo po 5 účastníkov.