Dátum konania
01/12/2017 - 09/12/2017
Miesta konania
Torosgyugh, Armenia
Typ projektu:
“Mame plno aktivit, pri ktorych mame iba trosku teorie ale hlavne praxe – vysvetlili nam SWOT a hneď sme si to vyskúšali na sebe, rozprávali sme o problémoch v našich komunitách a ako by sme ich mohli vyriešiť, zahrali sme si Monopoli, v ktorých sme kupovali projekty a každý mal špeciálnu úlohu (grant a project manager…). Boli sme aj na exurzii v Lori Berd, odtiaľ sú tie fotky, príroda tam bola prenadherna a história tejto neobjavené krajiny prekvapujúca. Ukázali nám aj mesto Stepanavan a mali sme pár úloh v dedinke – tam sme videli problémy, ktorým tu čelia – nedostatočne podmienky pre výučbu, nedostatok priestorov pre sebarealizáciu. Dokonca i v meste sme našli iba 1 reštauráciu.Počas cultural night sme ľudí učili tancovať, hovoriť po slovensky nejaké základné slovíčka a ponúkli sme im ochutnávku našich tradičných jedál. Každý sa tu zaujíma o túto tému a o zdieľanie názorov, skúsenosti s a tradícií a to tu vytvára skvelú atmosféru.” Viktória
What were objectives of this training?
- To find out the possible solutions of unemployment problem at personal, organisational and community levels by monitoring the real situations in different countries
- To improve abilities of youth workers, activists and young people from rural areas to increase their chances to get employed or make their own projects
- To give the tools and techniques on how to reach a low unemployment rates in rural areas
- To challenge young people to face unemployment reasons and related problems for understanding the lack of knowledge or experience and start to develop them
- To empower young people with the means of non-formal education
- To identify the real needs of youth workers working with rural youth and to assess their capacities.
- To understand the real needs of the rural job market and to discover the way to meet those needs
- To motivate youth workers to take part in social changes aiming at increasing youth employability by exploring their leadership potential
- To create new projects designed to lower the unemployment rates and keep youth to develop their rural homeland.
- To write a handbook with best practices and failures about rural developments.
Účastníci boli z Nemecka , Arménska , Ukrajiny , Grécka , Jordánska , Poľska , Maďarska , Ruska a Slovenska .