Dátum konania
21/10/2018 - 28/10/2018
Miesta konania
Kaunas, Lithuania
Typ projektu:
Mládežnícka výmena o ochrane kultúrneho dedičstva sa konala v dňoch 21 – 28 októbra v druhom najväčšom meste Litvy – Kaunas.
Inherit our future was a 8 days Youth Exchange project that gathered participants from 5 countries – Lithuania, Slovakia, Croatia, Poland and Bulgaria to work in protection of cultural inheritance.
Summary: Project’s idea was created due to discussable protection of cultural inheritance. Although cultural inheritance is high priority and talked about a lot in countries of Europe, more attention is paid for reconstruction of object, rather than prevention of their destruction. That’s why we decided to try to awake consciousness of society and create a prevention tool for informing the society.
Project‘s objectives:
1. Increase awareness and knowledge of the concept of cultural heritage as well the most common issues of cultural heritage and possible future consequences if not taking measures for participants.
2. Encourage interest in the topic of cultural heritage for participants, by getting to know to their own and other European cultural heritage objects and through their own and other experiences learn how to preserve it.
3. Change the opinion that cultural heritage is not only our past, but also the future for participants, society by developing intercultural dialogue, organizing the event “inherit your future”.
Activities during the project: All the activities were done through the methods of non-formal education. Ice-breaking, tem-building activities, presentation about cultural heritage, homework presentations, case analysis, creative workshops, role-plays, open discussions, reflections, dissemination plans, Youthpass presentation, event “Inherit our future”, intercultural evenings.
Link na vytvorenú brožúrku z projektu je tu: https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=%21ALic-a83x4-roVg&cid=85284CD048AEC2FD&id=85284CD048AEC2FD%21108&parId=root&o=OneUp
Účastníci boli z Poľska , Bulharska
, Chorvátska
, Litvy
, Slovenska
. Z každej krajiny bolo po 7 účastníkov.