Ski Safe

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Dátum konania
01/01/2021 - 31/07/2022

Miesta konania
Slovakia and around Europe

Typ projektu:

Projekt v rámci ktorého sme realizovali tréningy pre lyžiarskych trénerov a inštruktorov.

Prvý sme realizovali v Taliansku, stredisku Kronplatz v dňoch 26. – 28. novembra 2021. Druhý v dňoch 12 – 13 marca 2022 na Slovensku. 

Fotky z tréningov a záverečnej konferencii v Rijeke:

Viac informácií o projekte: 

The objective of the SKISAFE project was to protect young ski athletes from health and safety hazards. Activities were aimed at non-formal education of ski coaches.

Influenced by the environment, which includes coaches, families and the media, young athletes are expected to have superior results inappropriate for their age and ability. Under such pressure and the overloaded training process, injuries are very common. In skiing, additional injuries are possible given the specific elements of the sport that require maximum safety checks and the use of quality equipment.

In the last decade the topic of coache-athlete relationship has been one of the main themes of research and analyses. It is widely know that coaches play a critical role in the lives of young atheltes and have the potential to influence, positively or negatively, on their sporting experiences. This is supported by the premise that positive results in sports are associated with the quality and capacity of the coaches and its implications on the quality of sports training. 

The concept of this project was to ensure that coaches and sports trainers are educated on the importance of protection of the youngest atheletes on the areas of the health and safety risks.

To improve training and conditions we put the accent also on safety equipment and practice for prevention of injury. Attention to detail during checks, reports and monitoring are key strategies that sport clubs and coaches need to put into practice.

This project analysed good practice examples, exchange experiences and prepared educational materials and organize practical workshops on the ski trails.

Non-formal education activities were conducted through workshops with 10 coaches from each country, which will consist of a theoretical and practical part in order to prevent injuries and to prevent hazards.

In addition to the capacity building activities, there was final conference in Croatia, emphasizing the importance of the role of very well educated coaches in preventing injuries, especially those who work with young athletes.



Slovak version – Practical_Guidance_SKISAFE SLOVAK

English version – Practical_Guidance_SKISAFE_English


The project consortium is made up of four partners from three EU program countries:

Ski Club Rijeka
Vere Montis