Be the change

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Dátum konania
15/11/2019 - 24/11/2019

Miesta konania
Trnava, Slovakia

Typ projektu:

Stereotypy a predsudky škodia všetkým, no má ich množstvo ľudí voči rôznym skupinám ľudí. Zorganizovali sme preto tréning na tému sebarozvoja a o tom, ako účinne rozpoznať a bojovať proti týmto javom.

Viac info o tréningu:

“Be the change” helped youth workers and youth leaders to more easily identify different stereotypes, concepts and patterns that are influencing young people and themselves mostly in a negative way. They were given tools coming from mindfulness, coaching, NLP & conflict management which they can use in their work in order to help the young people break the patterns & stereotypes and in order to improve their daily life as well. Through experiential learning we wanted our participants to better understand themselves and as a consequence to better understand the others.

They had the opportunity to develop:

  • Mindfulness techniques
  • Communication skills
  • Personal development skills
  • Cooperation & Conflict management techniques
  • Maximising ones´ potential
  • Knowledge of emotions
  • Organisation and planning skills … and more!

Result of the training is also in workshop booklet available here: Booklet Be the Change

Tréning bol určený pracovníkom s mládežou, aktívnym členom alebo dobrovoľníkom v rôznych organizáciách (od 18 rokov).

Účastníci boli zo Slovenska Slovakia, Česka Czechia, Chorvátska Croatia, Nemecka Germany, Grécka Greece, Talianska Italy, Rumunska Romania, Srbska Serbia, Španielska Spain, Severného Macédonska North Macedonia.

Projekt bol financovaný Európskou úniou, z programu Erasmus+