Water is life. Water is energy. Water is future.

Mládežnícka výmena v Rumunsku
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Dátum konania
30/08/2017 - 08/09/2017

Miesta konania
Sarata Monteoru, Romania

Typ projektu:


Ahoj…. Ako team líderka by som sa chcela stručne vyjadriť o výmene v Rumunsku v Monteoru/Buzau 30.8-8.9 : Chcela by som sa v mene celého slovenského teamu poďakovať ADEL za možnosť vycestovať a poznávať tak úžasnú krajinu ako je Rumunsko. My ako Slováci sme sa hneď naladili na rovnakú vlnu a zvyšok výmeny sme si neskutočne užili. Myslím že sme boli naozaj silný team a nemali sme nejaké problémy či už s komunikáciou alebo zvládanim rôznych aktivít. Hneď na začiatku sme sa spoznali aj s ostatnými účastníkmi a počas celej výmeny panovala priateľská a uvoľnená nálada. Téma našej výmeny bola “water is life, water is energy, water is future”…. Workshopy a aktivity boli naozaj na vysokej úrovni a domov sme si priniesli mnoho nových informácií a skúseností. Taktiež sme sa spriatelili s ľuďmi z mnohých kútov Európy a mali sme možnosť spoznať život v ich krajinách aspoň z ich rozprávania. Myslím že sa nemýlim ak prehlasim za celú slovenskú skupinu že to bola úžasná výmena a nezmenili by sme ani jeden jediný moment. S pozdravom Leaderka s celým teamom. Barbora Borošková, Martin Saliny, Lenka Pogi Hátašová, Monika Trembecká a Edita Hlaváčová

Zhrnutie o čom výmena bola: 

“Water is life. Water is energy. Water is future“ was an exchange that took place place in Sarata Monteoru and Buzau between 30 august and 8 september 2017. The context is linked with the problems generated by water quality due to irresponsible home and industrial consumption of water, using of chemicals in agriculture, chaotic tourism on seaside and regains with rivers and lakes,wasting of water in different situations. Aim of the youth exchange was to increase the responsibility of youngsters for environment sustainability and a better life quality by empowering fight against water pollution

The objectives of youth exchange were:

  • to provide to 45 youngsters from 8 countries a common space to reflect on cultural diversity,european cooperation and healthy life style
  • a better understanding by youngsters about role of water in life and society and about importance of protection and conservation of water
  • a larger awareness of role of water’s energy and the need of reduce wasting
  • promote among youngsters a new responsible attitude for preservation of water and identify by creative methods new solutions for rise the sustainability of environment

The methodology was based on non-formal education and consisted in games, presentations, debates, role plays and simulations, workshops, visits, intercultural evenings. Forseen activities were for preparation,, introduction and getting to know each other,trust and team building,presentation of participants and organizations,introduction of Erasmus + programme and youthpass certificate,cultural and study visits in Buzau region.There were 3 groups of workshops where were presented results of preparatory phase,were identified thematic aspects about water and environment, new projects were created to promote water protection. In the creative workshops were prepared a visual campaign by produce videoclips, flyers, posters and a guide, all products were shared in the last day in Buzau together with local youngsters.

Na mládežníckej výmene bolo 45 mladých ľudí z Cypru Cyprus, Estónska Estonia, Talianska Italy, Lotyšska Lithuania, Macedónska North Macedonia, Rumunska Romania, Slovenska Slovakia a Turecka Turkey