Creativity Unleashed! 2.0

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Dátum konania
11/05/2024 - 18/05/2024

Miesta konania
Jastrzębia Góra, Poland

Typ projektu:

In the typical Western education system, results indicated that “since 1990, even as IQ scores have risen, creative thinking scores have significantly decreased. Traditional education does not sufficiently value innovative and entrepreneurial thinking – our system even dumbs down the creative genius that we were born with, according to a test developed by NASA. The older we get, there is a less creative genius inside us as researches concluded and the scale of this drop is enormous. George Land (the lead researcher) concludes that non-creative behaviour is learned, in other words, that we unlearn creative behaviours through life. Sir Ken Robinson also tackled this issue in his famous TED talk “Do schools kill creativity?”. Creativity has been indicated in the “4Cs” list of 21st-century skills, which is the list of 4 most essential skills: critical thinking (also strongly linked with creative thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity). to succeed at school and the workplace.

Our project aim is to increase and sustain the creative potential of youth associated with around 8 participating organisations by equipping youth workers from these countries with competencies of designing engaging activities fostering creativity and designing creative environments a deck of scratch cards with creative tasks ideas designed by participants, a publication with “creativity idols”, workshops with youngsters (1 workshop per organisation), 30 days creativity challenge journals.

Training course is mostly for youth workers, teachers, leaders, volunteers or for everybody who are interested in the topic, want to travel, learn and meet new people and cultures from the age of 18+.

Participants will be from more countries of EU. 

Accommodation HERE and food will be provided and financed from the Erasmus + program during the whole project. Travel costs will be reimbursed up to 275 euro. Detailed information regarding financial procedures are written in FAQ and will be further explained with selected participants.



Registration is open until form is closed. Closed form mean we already finished choosing participants and therefore it is not possible to apply anymore.