Develop Yourself to Develop your Rural Community

Develop Yourself to Develop your Rural Community
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Dátum konania
18/05/2019 - 24/05/2019

Miesta konania
Kikinda, Serbia

Typ projektu:

“Tréning o rozvoji podnikania a aktivít v malom srbskom mestečku Kikinda bol pre mňa veľmi obohacujúci. Naučila som sa veľa nových vecí, a nielen o tejto problematike. Zo Slovenska som šla ako jediný účastník, ale sama som tam nebola ani na chvíľu. Stretla som neuveriteľne zaujímavých ľudí, sme stále v kontakte a celým srdcom dúfam, že ich ešte niekedy uvidím. Srbsko ma v mnohých ohľadoch prekvapilo, je to veľmi zaujímavá krajina, v ktorej som predtým nebola, takže aj cestovateľsky som sa veľmi obohatila. Už sa teším na ďalší projekt Ďakujem ADEL!!”

Zhrnutie o čom seminár bol:

Seminar was dedicated to exploring meaning of terms key to youth entrepreneurship and developing both businesses and social cohesion in rural areas. Participants explored key documents, policies and strategies (on all levels, from local and regional to European), exchanged good practices and discussed with local stakeholders specifics of work and issues local communities face in multi-ethnic community at non-EU and EU borderland (Coka is located in Serbia on Serbian-Hungarian border, with very close distance to other EU countries – Croatia and Romania). We also met members of local parliament and government of the autonomous region of Vojvodina.

Seminar was designed to empower  active leaders to act for social inclusion and building of social cohesion in their local communities by learning needed skills and knowledge and providing trainings on youth entrepreneurship and employability in rural and poorly urbanised areas as a basis for youth empowerment and building more socially coherent (still respecting and supporting diversity) European societies.

Účastníci seminára boli zo Srbska Serbia, Albánska Albania, Bulharska Bulgaria, Grécka Greece, Talianska Italy, Macedónska North Macedonia, Poľska Poland, Rumunska Romania, Turecka Turkey a Slovenska Slovakia.



Účasť na projekte

If you would like to apply for project, please answer the following questions:

1. Question:  What is your motivation to participate in the project?
2. Question:  How do you think you will use the knowledge and skills which you gain at this project in your future life?

Prihlasovanie na tento projekt bolo uzatvorené. Momentálne prebieha výber účastníkov.